The pearl and the oyster

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4 years have passed since Hollyberry Cookie's coronation, it took a long time but PV finally established himself as a noble of the "Pure Berry" house, the Hollyberry Kingdom was blossoming, but still PV wants to establish his own kingdom.

PV understood that the best way to start a kingdom is with the Elders, after some thought he determined that there is only one Elder he can find: Oyster Cookie(OY), she is probably close to where the republic was(/will be).

And that's what PV is going to do, he's going to the republic to try to find her, and, luckily for PV, the path is much easier and faster when you have a charriot from the Hollyberry Kingdom.

It was only around 3 days by cart to the republic, there were some difficulties on the way, but nothing that the good and old Light of Truth couldn't solve.

Finally PV arrives in a coastal city, the city that became the great Créme Republic, upon entering the city, PV noticed strange looks directed at him, probably because he wasn't in a standard outfit from the region (PV adapted to the fashion of the Hollyberry Kingdom, imagine his default outfit, but like, pink and with some armor details)

PV was noticing how different was the same the Republic. While lost in thought, PV bumps into a Cookie.

I'm sorry, I wasn't paying much attention to where I was going-PV

It's okay, I don't care, I was also distracted with something... you're not from here, are you?-???(I'll reveal the name in a moment)

No, I'm not, I came from the Hollyberry Kingdom, it's a new kingdom that is forming in the Berry Jungle-PV

Berry Jungle? I heard it's dangerous because of the dragons-???

Well, not anymore, the current queen, Hollyberry Cookie, got rid of the dragons-PV

Wow, that's good news, I have to go visit one day. But...What are you doing here sir...-???

Pure Vanilla Cookie, and I came here looking for the Oyster house to discuss something-PV

Well, this is your lucky day, nice to meet you, I'm Lord Oyster Cookie, the current leader of the Oyster house, why don't we go for a coffee?-LO(Lord Oyster)

Of course, I would love to-PV says, he was lucky he found one of the Oyster House ancestors.

The two go to the Oyster mansion, where they both sit at a small table to discuss what PV wanted.

So, what would you like to talk to me about?-Lord Oyster.(LO)

I'm building a kingdom, and I would like House Oyster to help me with the administration, I guarantee you won't regret it-PV

Lord Oyster ponders, on the one hand, if he helped this Cookie he just met and the kingdom worked out, he would be rich, the name of the Oyster house would be cleared. On the other hand, he would be in serious trouble if the kingdom went wrong, not to mention that he would have to abandon everything that was built in the Republic, and he also wouldn't be able to see her again, White Pearl Cookie... Little Moon, he wouldn't get to return the pearl.

After a while of silent consideration, LO decided, he would help PV, get his family's name out of the mud, and when he did that he would return to the republic to return the pearl to White Pearl Cookie.

Okay, the Oyster house will help you, but this kingdom better work, you can go to your kingdom, the Oyster house will move there in about 4 months.-LO

Of course, thank you very much Lord Oyster, your help and cooperation will be greatly appreciated-PV

Pure Vanilla then leaves the Oyster mansion, passing straight past Abalone Cookie (AL), who was entering the mansion to say something to LO.

Lord Oyster! Here you are, I would like to invite you to have some juice at the Pub, on me!  Ya gotta give a reast on this whole situation with the money-AL

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