The Wish You Have Been Fighting For

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White Lily and Hollyberry are now docking on the coast of Beast Yeast, after a long trip across the Jellyfish Ocean, the two stopped to rest on the beach (which was at the foot of a very, very large mountain).

So this is Beast Yeast?  I hope it's not as bad as the boat trip we had to go through to get here!-HB

In this land I must find answers, answers about the creation of cookies, and our purpose!  I'm sure this is where we'll find them-WL

You seem a lot more excited than usual, but I hope you keep that spirit while you're climbing this mountain!-HB

Ah... wouldn't it be better to start with the forest?  This mountain is so big, I can barely see the top...-WL

And that's exactly why I want to climb it!  Don't you agree that there must be a great adventure waiting for us up there?-HB

I think you're right... I can't believe you were right when you said we would need climbing gear-WL

This is a mistake you only make once, now, take a deep breath and let's climb this mountain!-HB

WL takes a deep breath, gathering all her determination and willpower.

Let's go!-WL

Then the two take their respective backpacks off the boat, grab a climbing kit and start climbing the mountain, eventually stopping in some small caves to rest.

After 2 full days of climbing, the two finally reach the top of the mountain, where they find... a wall.

This... has... to... be... a... joke....-WL

Well, it looks like our climb isn't over!  At least now is just climb this wall, it shouldn't be that difficult-HB

Of....course...just...climb...the... wall...-WL

Then the two climb the wall and finally can see what was at the top of the mountain, the great temple of Ivory Pagoda...... and a staircase that leads to the foot of the mountain.

Ha ha ha!  Look how funny White Lily, there was a staircase all the time!  Now this is going to be a funny story to tell later-HB

There... was... a... staircase... THERE... WAS... A... STAIRCASE?!-WL

With that sentence, WL finally passed out from exhaustion, luckily HB caught her before her unconscious body fell to the ground.

Who are you?  Visitors!?  After all these years?  Well, welcome to the ancient temple of Ivory Pagoda-???

Who are you comrade?-HB

My name is Wind Haete Cookie(WH), guardian of this temple for several centuries-WH

I see, I'm Hollyberry Cookie, this one I'm holding is White Lily Cookie-HB

I see, you have proven great determination by climbing this far, please follow me to a place where you and your friend can rest-WH

WH guides the unconscious WL and HB to a type of nursing home, with several beds, and there the two rest.

A few hours later WL woke up, with HB sleeping next to him.

Hollyberry Cookie, Hollyberry Cookie, wake up - WL says, while shaking HB to wake her up

White Lily Cookie, you look much better!-HB says, waking up.

Yes... now where are we?-WL

Some kind of dorm at the top of the mountain, here there was a time called Ivorio Pargorde or something like that-HB

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