The Dark Cacao Village

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PV rushed out of the Hollyberry Kingdom (putting SRP in charge of his noble house temporarily, and his smarter Cookie to continue building the Vanilla Kingdom), so rushed in fact, that PV forgot that Republic airships didn't yet exist. ... balloons couldn't cross an entire ocean (yet), and that the quickest way to get to the Beast Yeast is by sailing through the Licorice Sea... which means passing through the Snowy Mountains of the Dark Cacao Kingdom.  When remembering all these small details, PV could only regret not having picked up any clothes that can withstand the cold of DCK (Dark Cacao Kingdom).
(Note- PV can store physical things on the dark side of the moon, this is how he is not using any baggage. It is also important to note that PV is going on this trip alone and on foot, using the power of Souljam to move faster )

PV was descending one of the mountains, tired from the continuous use of Souljam for movement and heat, he was getting tired.  It didn't take long for the PV power to run out, thereby wiping out Souljam's heat supply.  Luckily, when PV's forces were almost gone, someone found him, a silhouette so different and at the same time so familiar...

PV wakes up in a small oriental style house, it doesn't take long for him to add 1+1 and deduce that Dark Cacao welcomed him.  PV was a little curious about DCC(Dark Cacao Cookie), as he doesn't know much about his past other than that he founded the Dark Cacao Kingdom out of nothing.

So you finally woke up, you're lucky our king found you in the middle of the blizzard, now, I'd like you to identify yourself-???

My name is Pure Vanilla Cookie, what would be yours?-PV

Buttery Caramel Cookie(BC), pleasure-BC

That's when the bedroom's sliding door opens, revealing a younger version of Dark Cacao Cookie.  This kind of surprises PV, he never imagined that when he was younger, DCC was... like this.

How are you?  The snowfall was very heavy, it's almost miraculous that you didn't die-DCC

I'm actually quite resistant, I'm very good at healing magic Dark Cacao Cookie-PV

How do you know my name... stranger?-DCC

Oh, I just... heard about it!  I heard about this kingdom being built in the middle of the Snowy Mountains and the Licorice Sea!-PV

Okay... I'll believe you... for now, Buttery Caramel Cookie will provide you with new clothes, since you don't seem to have prepared for the weather-DCC

Okay then, I really appreciate your hospitality Dark Cacao Cookie-PV

DCC then leaves the room along with BC, however, BC doesn't stay out for long, and in around 15 minutes Buttery Caramel Cookie enters the room with warmer clothes for PV.

Here are the clothes, after putting them on and feeling like you can walk properly, go to the biggest house you can find, and wait there until the king's patrols are over.-BC


Yes, every day the king hunts and kills all the monsters that roam this region, this prevents the monsters from attacking the village-BC

That... seems difficult, does he patrol alone?-PV

Our king could not bear to see one of the citizens of this village injured because of him, so yes, against several protests, he works alone-BC

Changing the subject, if you need anything, I'm sure everyone in the village will be happy to welcome you, considering we don't have many... visitors-BC

BC then placed the clothes on the bed(/Futon) and left the room.

PV uses healing spells to recover from physical exhaustion, and in just 5 minutes he was able to walk normally, he then puts on the clothes given to him and leaves the small house (which was some kind of hospital, from what PV could deduce) and heads towards the biggest house he found, upon entering there PV found something that looked like some kind of waiting room, so there PV sat in one of the chairs in the room and waited until Dark Cacao Cookie had returned .

Hours passed and it was getting very late, the desire to sleep was getting greater every moment, from what PV could tell it was already late at night, so, seeing no problem in sleeping just a little until DCC arrived, he finally gave in to Moonlight Cookie (that's an expression before anyone asks)

PV woke up on the "Dark side of the Moon", finding a certain angry jester.

Purey Vanillly help meeeeeeeeeeee-SM

Shadow Milk Cookie, what happened?-PV

What happened is that one of your ✨️friends✨️ is coming to Silver Tree-kun-SM


I saw some witches talking about it once, it's really cool and it's trendy, you should TOTALLY talk like this ALL COOKIES are doing it!-SM

PV laughed a little, he has to admit, when SM isn't trying to kill you he can be pretty funny.

But my point is, they can seal me!  And that's not good for my pieces!  Oh my babies, they want so much to be played by someone-SM

I'm going to try to do something to prevent your seal from being fortified, in fact, I was already going there-PV

That's good, so go ahead, ✨️Slay✨️-SM

I won't kill them!-PV

"Slay" is another thing I saw witches talking about-SM

Do you even know what it means?-PV

No, but I'm sure it's cool, hihihihihi-SM

Okay then... I'll be going-PV

Pure Vanilla hurries to leave the "Other side of the Moon", but can still hear SM say one last thing, something about destroying the silver tree and "The republican party", whatever that is, but the idea of ​​SM knowing about the future existence of the Créme Republic, which would mean that he looked at PV's memories, which wouldn't be very good worries PV, but he immediately eliminated the thought and just thought that this is another thing that SM heard from the witches.

PV wakes up with DCC in front of him, which slightly scares him, but he quickly calms down.

So you woke up, let's go into the meeting room, I want to discuss something with you.-DCC

Of course, as you want - PV

The two enter the Meeting room, with a reasonably large rectangular table slightly above floor height and a simple throne at the end of the table, as well as some cushions where the chairs would be.

In fact, this was the first time that PV stopped to think about how different the Dark Cacao Kingdom was from the other kingdoms, but it was precisely this difference that made the Dark Cacao Kingdom so special.

So, Dark Ca- King Dark Cacao Cookie, is there anything you'd like to talk to me about? -PV says (still not used to referring to DCC as "king")

Yes, there is something I would like to ask you-DCC

And that would it be?-PV

then DCC stands up from his throne and pulls out his sword(previously placed on the ground) pointing it at PV.

What is this power that I hold, and how do you have it too?-DCC

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