The Deep Blue of Truth

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The Oyster mansion was packing its bags, as only a few days had passed since the announcement that the Oyster house would go to the Pure Vanilla Kingdom (still under construction) few things had already been packed.  After Pure Vanilla's departure, Lord Oyster had practically not left the room of the mysterious guest (called that because few knew who she was, but most of the mansion's employees doubted that there was a guest, and only thought that this was the way Lord Oyster found to deal with the death of his companions in the Duskgloom Sea).

However, inside the room, Lord Oyster listened to all the stories that Sea Fairy Cookie told, and she also did the same, patiently listening to Lord Oyster's stories, until something happened.

Is something wrong?  You seem worried-LO

Well... it's nothing really, just a bad feeling-SF

What kind of a feeling?-LO

Well, something bad... woke up, I can't be more specific, but I have a theory-SF

So tell me, if something bad happened, it would be better to at least have a speculation of what's happening-LO

Very far from here... there is a continent called Beast Yeast... there lived 5 beings of extreme power, unfortunately... this power corrupted the five, one by one-SF

But some Cookie stopped them from doing evil, right?  Otherwise chaos would still reign in Earthbead-LO

No... nothing could stop them... not even me... not even the others-SF

So how were they stopped?-LO

The witches, they couldn't bear to see their creation ruined, so they sealed the five of them, unfortunately they found a better way to reach their goals, so they stopped reinforcing the seals... I think that's why one of them managed to escape- SF

What do you mean "a better way to reach your goals"?  What can a witch want that she doesn't already have?  Aren't they beings of practically infinite power?

Well... witches are quite powerful, so powerful, in fact, that they don't see the need to leave their homes to get sustenance... they think it's easier to just... make food at home- SF

What... what do you mean by that...?

Well, have you ever wondered why Cookies were made?  Well, they were made to be eaten, the sacred cycle of life that I and all the other elementals protect is nothing more than a simple way to satisfy all the gluttony of our creators-SF


When you discover that, everything kind of loses its color, doesn't it?-SF

...How...What do you mean...-LO

But even in this false world, made exclusively to satisfy the hunger of our creators, something always guided me...-SF

...It can' can't

Always bright in the sky, the truth didn't affect her, and that gave me hope to continue-SF

....NO............THAT......CAN'T BE-LO

She captured my heart, gave me a purpose to continue living this lie... I don't know what I would do without her... the only thing in this world that doesn't deserve to be devoured completely-SF

That means...Black Pearl Cookie...Abalone Cookie...Pure Vanilla Cookie...-LO

Without her... I think I would rather be devoured by a witch, then at least I could be united with my love forever... in the afterlife... -SF

And Oyster Cookie... she's... just a child.... Witches eat children too...........?-LO

...Or in a witch's digestive system, either alternative seems good to me-SF

I... I can't... but... why?... why do all this just to get torn apart or eaten?  What's... the purpose?

Ah, well, that's what I've been asking myself for many centuries, and you know, I really don't know, even with all the knowledge of the seas, I don't know... But... I guess it's all about finding a purpose. Something that will be worth living for-SF

But, and if that shatters too?-LO

That's what I'm afraid to find out, but don't worry too much about it all, it will all be over soon...-SF

How so?

As I said before, this great evil power possibly comes from one of the ancient 5 heroes, and as I mentioned before, nothing and no one can stop them, and it is also important to mention that once a seal is broken the other four will go up  in a few days...-SF

Okay... then we have to fight this evil before the other four awaken!-LO

You...recovered incredibly quickly from the big reveal, many Cookies would have gone crazy hearing all that-SF

I... just took your advice and... chose something to dedicate my life to, something to give me meaning, the Oyster house, and I think... no, I KNOW that I would give my life for the good of my house-LO

This is beautiful... well, I suppose we can go see this evil... -SF

Alright then, I'll get the Oyster-LO soldiers ready-LO

That won't be necessary, I can take us there in a moment-SF

That's not exactly the problem-LO

SF walks to the bedroom balcony, the sea resounding with her powers, the seawater quickly entering the room and pulling SF and LO into the ocean.

(And now, returning to Dark Cacao Village)

And then?  I'm waiting for an answer-DCC

Dark Cacao Cookie, that's because both you and I are... heroes!  Heroes chosen to protect the world from the most diverse threats-PV

Do you really expect me to believe in something like that?-DCC

Well, that's the truth, I'm not lying, there are 5 of us, besides me and you also have Golden Cheese Cookie, White Lily Cookie and Hollyberry Cookie!-PV

And what are you doing here?-DCC

White Lily Cookie, a good friend of mine and one of the 5 heroes, she is in danger-PV

And you came here, asking for my help?-DCC

Not exactly, this place is on the way, but your help would be greatly appreciated-PV

If you think I'm going to follow someone I met today and abandon my beloved village, then you are very wrong or much more stupid than I thought you would be-DCC

Well, I understand... so I'll be right on my way, thank you very much for taking care of me, anyway-PV

Okay then, there's a boat off the coast, I don't think there's any problem with you using it, no one has touched it in decades-DCC

Thank you very much Dark Cacao Cookie, I wish prosperity to your village-PV

Then PV left the meeting room, leaving the village and finding a small boat just like DCC said, and with that boat (and a little magic) he easily crossed the Licorice Sea and arrived at the "River of the First Silver", which it is next to the Faerie Kingdom.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 02 ⏰

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