Adventure in Action: Character

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Personality: She usually presents herself as a happy and careless, even clumsy, person, but beneath her carefree attitude there is a manipulative and cynical side, as well as a sharp and deliciously sarcastic sense of humor

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Personality: She usually presents herself as a happy and careless, even clumsy, person, but beneath her carefree attitude there is a manipulative and cynical side, as well as a sharp and deliciously sarcastic sense of humor.

She's intelligent, adaptable, and very patient. She does not rush into making decisions without first evaluating and weighing each option. She understands that emotions and rationality are inseparable, which is why she's not afraid to follow her whims despite being aware that these can often be a disadvantage to her.

She questions everything like the firm skeptic that she is. Because of her past, she learned that human nature is fragile and easy to corrupt. For her, nothing is absolute or everlasting; whether it be people, feelings, or situations. At some point everything can disappear, and this perpetual state of uncertainty makes her anxious.

Sagacious and with irreverent wit. She sometimes seems reckless, but she's very aware of her limits. She's not afraid to break the rules or risk rejection from society; in fact, she enjoys it.

Independent to the core, hates carrying other people's expectations and pursues her own ideas. When she decides to do something, she demonstrates vehement determination. She is confident that, with enough perseverance, ingenuity and insight, she can find a way to win, no matter what challenges may come her way.

Because of her prosopagnosia, she has always had a hard time noticing other people's emotions, so she relies heavily on body language and tone of voice to identify the mood of others. Thanks to this, she has developed over the years an amazing ability to observe, memorize, and analyze, although she often ends up wondering if it is worth the frustration and exhausting effort of dealing with other people.

She is disinterested by nature, to the point of seeming apathetic, although there are times where her curiosity overcomes her indifference. However, she is very possessive of her belongings. She will not allow anyone to touch or damage what is hers, from objects, places, or people. She can become controlling and obsessive, but this is due to her insecurity and fear of once again losing the few things she has.

She does not usually get angry, but when she does, her cruelty and brutality border on the sadistic.

She's very secretive about her personal life. She does not usually talk about herself, be it tastes, hobbies, or fears. She has a hard time opening up and trusting others.

Something to highlight is that she remains very attentive and vigilant of her surroundings. This leads to her mind being in a constant state of alert, analyzing everything around her. In the long run, stress and psychological tension lead to insomnia, so she must resort to medication or exercise until she faints in order to get a good night's sleep.

Kindness and consideration are antonyms for Nara. You won't see her helping without a personal reason or interest. She's ambitious and selfish, and if she must betray or stab someone in the back, she will do so without any regrets or guilt.

She is a person full of contradictions and wounds, but she accepts herself as she is: chaotically imperfect.

Quirks: 🔹She suffers from congenital prosopagnosia, so she takes into account every detail of the people around her (way of walking, body measurements, body odor, artificial fragrances, jewelry, tone of voice, etc

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🔹She suffers from congenital prosopagnosia, so she takes into account every detail of the people around her (way of walking, body measurements, body odor, artificial fragrances, jewelry, tone of voice, etc.).
🔹She feels calm and comfortable when in quiet places.
🔹She suffers from OCD. She needs her things to be arranged in a particular and precise way. Cleans excessively and repeatedly checks things, for example if the door is closed properly or if things are in their arranged place.
🔹She has terrible eating habits. She's not a picky eater, but she often forgets that she should eat or drink. Because of this she regularly suffers from dizziness, loss of appetite, and headaches.
🔹She remains constantly alert because she believes that she can be attacked at any time and for no reason.
🔹Doesn't wear jewelry, except for a simple and single small pair of earrings.
🔹She always carries with her a collapsible baton for self-defense, steel knuckles and pepper spray in her pockets, and -just in case- some ropes in her backpack.

🔹Her senses of sight, smell, and hearing are highly developed. She's very sensitive to lights (whether natural or artificial), smells, and sounds.
🔹High observation vigilance and extremely fast speed of processing and memorizing information.
🔹Blue belt in Okinawan Kobudō. Knows how to use a wide variety of weapons (keibo, bo, tonfa, nunchaku, tekko or steel knuckles, sai, hanbo, tambo, sansetsukon).

Interests: She likes art. Her only hobby is drawing (portraits of faceless people or places she likes).

Likes and dislikes:
🔹Hates noisy and busy places. These can worsen her mood drastically.
🔹No to people's expectations.
🔹She prefers loose, comfortable, and sporty clothing. Usually wears hats and face-masks in addition to sunglasses. Avoids skirts or dresses.

Strengths and weaknesses:
🔹She's extremely adaptable and flexible.
🔹Can deal with most situations and unforeseen events calmly.
🔹Has a terrible sense of taste.
🔹Becomes nervous and hostile if she feels cornered or trapped.
🔹Her strong point is hand-to-hand combat.
🔹Every so often she suffers from insomnia.

Fears and aversions: She's claustrophobic, and hates immensely when her movements are restricted.

Fears and aversions: She's claustrophobic, and hates immensely when her movements are restricted

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