Settling in

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His eyes steal glances at you as you catch up, cracking jokes to lighten the mood; his chest gets all fuzzy every time he gets a laugh out of you. You've changed so much from when you were young, you're definitely not as shy as you were back then. He learned quickly that you don't take any bullshit, given how you dealt with 'Finley'. He does not want to get on your bad side, so he's been on his best behavior so far. He can't help but admire how much you've grown, you especially look that part in your work clothes. Which you're still wearing as you happily chat away.

"Aren't ya tired yet, Sheila?" Jamison finally asks, hoping to coax you into settling in. Almost as if he feels out of place being the only one freshly bathed.

"I'm alright, I'm enjoying the conversation." You respond cheerfully, completely content, "I don't typically get to sleep till much later anyways." You add, giving him a little insight to your habits.

"Why's that?" He presses, fully turned to face you, face resting against his 'good' arm. His other hand fidgeting with the strings on the flannel pants you loaned him.

"Well, an unofficial part of my job is dealing with unsavory people, which I tend to do around these hours usually. Typically groups of bigots that hunt, harass, and beat omnics." You say casually, as if you didn't drop the biggest 'I'm a certified badass' on him.

"You're kinda like that batmen fellah!" He shouts, laughing at the comparison. "I guess so, just not as rich." You chuckle, enjoying his company.

"Whadaya mean?!" He blurts out, shocked, "Look at this place! It's really noice!" He says as he stands up and gestures at the modern apartment, with minimal decor.

"This is where my company has me holed up, I don't have much say in where I get to live. They only care if I do my job." You express, indifferent about your housing situation.

"Well, given some of the places I've had to stay.." He pauses, eyes adverted from your gaze as he stands over you, "this is a pretty sweet pad." He says with a smile as his eyes flick back to you with a glint.

   "I guess you're right, sometimes I overlook these benefits because I see them as an extension of my work." You say sheepishly, as you glance around your space.


   The time is now pushing 3 am as he stands in front of you, looking a bit beat. "Why don't you head to bed, Jamison? You look tired." Not wanting to keep him awake with your piss poor habits.

   "I will, as soon as you get settled yaself." He adds as he flops down on the couch, clearly worn out. "Oh, I completely forgot." You reply absentmindedly as you look down at yourself, still residing in your work clothes.

   "Start getting comfortable, I'll take a shower and I'll join you soon." You say, flashing him a smile as he lazily grins back at you.

   I grab a set of clothes and a fresh towel, before heading into the bathroom. I take my clothes off, leaving them in a pile as my feet as I start to remove the concealer and simple eye make up I do every day for work. My tired eyes stare back at me as they glance over the scars that riddle my upper arms, shoulders, stomach, and the most prominent one on your jaw. My right hand traces it down from my cheek to my jawline. I step into the shower, feeling the cold water hit my body as I wait for it to warm up. I try not to take too much time, but melt into the hot water as it grazes my tired muscles. I ended up taking a little longer than expected, but dry off quickly and change into the clothes I previously laid out. I went with an oversized shirt and some loose shorts, the shirt completely engulfing my frame; I pat dry my hair as much as I can with the towel, settling on leaving it damp.

   You step out of the bathroom, checking the bedroom for your friend, only to find it empty. You walk back out to the living room to find your friend passed out of the couch. His arms crossed over his chest, his head slumped forward with his mouth slightly parted as he gently snores.

   As cute as it was, he needs to get some actual rest and so do you. You slowly approach, calling out quietly "hey, Jamison?" Hesitant to shake him awake, but still drawing closer. "Hey, let's-"

   He jolts awake grabbing your arm tightly, nails digging into your arm as his wild eyes look around, baring his teeth. "Hey, it's me. It's (y/n)." You say, a little scared about the sudden change in your friend, but remaining calm.

   His eyes widen as he immediately lets go, "ah shit, I'm sorry!" He shrieks as his eyes immediately dart to where he grabbed you. "I'm really sorry." He says quieter as he puts some space between you and him.

   You close the gap, sitting down next to him on the couch, as he inches away, trying to create more space. "Jamison." You say sternly and he immediately pauses.

   "I know you've been through a lot, I won't press you for any details. You can talk to me whenever you're ready, but just know that I understand." You take his hand into yours and rub circles over his knuckles.

   "Why don't we go lay down? It'll help you unwind and relax a bit." You suggest, slowly standing up with his hand in yours. He hesitantly stands up and follows you to the bedroom, afraid that he messed things up between you two.

You have a rather large bed, it can definitely fit 2 people with plenty of space. You pull back the blankets and climb in as Jamison slowly does the same, both facing each other with a reasonable amount of space between you two.

His face relaxes a bit as he sinks into the bed, no longer full of worry. "Thank you, (y/n)." He says as his hand finds one of yours. "I really appreciate ya." He says voice full of warmth.

"You don't have to thank me. Jamison. You're the closest thing I have to family." You say softly and he gives your hand a squeeze.

"Sorry for ya loss.. I really loved her like me own Mum." He said with sad eyes as he studied your face. "She loved you too. She would ask me about you all the time." You say back, eyes drooping as you grow more exhausted.

You yawn and pull your hand away to cover your mouth, "I'm started to get tired, how about we hit the hay?" You begin to reach for the lamp beside your bed, fiddling with the switch. The lights shut off, but the faint lights from the street lamps shine in through your blinds.

The dim light catches his yellow eyes, standing out in the mostly dark room. "Goodnight, (y/n)." He says quietly, still laying on his side, facing you.

He stares at you with tired eyes, watching as you give in to your exhaustion."Goodnight, Jamison." You say as you drift off into another dreamless sleep.

   Jamison finds himself staring at you, looking at the scar on your face that wasn't visible under the makeup you had on earlier. You breathe slow and heavy, chest rising and falling under the baggy shirt you wear. Parts of it has ridden up revealing some of the scars on your arms and even some fading bruises.. He wants to know how you got each one, especially... He gently strokes the one on your cheek, your face contorting in your sleep as he probably oversteps a boundary. He pulls away after moving a strand of hair out of your face. He's truly missed you so much, he doesn't want to ever be apart from you again. He hopes that he doesn't fuck this up, especially with all the stuff he's been through; it's created a lot of habits and problems for him. Mainly with overwatch, he wasn't the most morally sound person there, but there was definitely a disconnect when it came to establishing bonds with his teammates. In a way, he's glad they got disbanded; he's able to reconnect with the one person that hasn't left his mind since the attack of the Omnium fusion core. Australia was no longer the place they grew up, it's a barren wasteland with much more violence. He'll tell you at some point, but for now he won't worry you with the gory details. For now.. he's going to sleep.

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