Vamp~Chapter 6

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The red glow of eyes stayed there. Stilling it's movement towards Camila. It knew it'd been caught.

Camila took a few steps further though. Stepping out of her jean shorts that still layed around her ankles. Camilas hands were still over her mouth and her limbs still shaking slightly. She was only a foot away from her but she could feel the warm breath hit her exposed chest.

"Lauren? Is th-" Camila asked again but was suddenly cut off by the red eyed person that she believed to be Lauren, backing her up against the tree.

"Yes it's me. But in a few seconds you won't remember my name or my face, so you're discovery means nothing." Lauren sighed angrily. This was the first time Camila had ever heard her talk. Her voice was smooth and husky. Just how Camila pictured it to be.

"B-b-but what a-a-re you, and why are your eyes r-red?" Camila whispered, looking straight into her red glowing eyes.

Getting tired of Camilas staring. The dark haired girl then placed both of her hands on either side of Camilas head. The dark haired girl tilted her head to the side as her nostrils flared in obvious annoyance. Camila gulped nervously, afraid of what was next to come.

Was she going to kill her? She might have just killed Austin with her eyes a few minutes ago, so she must be capable of something along those lines. The brunette gritted her teeth in anticipation for whatever Lauren was going to do to her. If she was going to kill her she should just do it now, and preferably fast.

The colors of Laurens eyes changed rapidly. Different colors flashing across them just like how they did with Austin. Camila couldn't help but look at the colors and how fast they changed. Reds, blues, yellows, and every color of the rainbow practically flashed across the orbs.

"What's going on?" Camila whispered, taking a shaky breath.

The colors in her eyes stopped suddenly before going right back to the red glow. Lauren moved back in disbelief as she shook her head from side to side.

"No. N-no. It's supposed to always work. You're supposed to be hypnotized by now. DAMMIT WHY ARENT YOU ASLEEP LIKE HIM!" The red eyed girl yelled as paced back an forth.

"What do you mean I'm supposed to be hypnotized? Tell me what you are and why your eyes are fucking glowing red!" Camila shouted while taking a step towards the pacing girl.

"My powers. They're not working on you! FUCK!" Lauren spat. She ran her fingers though her hair messily before punching a nearby tree out of frustration.

Lauren didn't know why her hypnotizing powers weren't working. They always did! All she came here for was to save Camila from Austins disgusting assault, hypnotize the both of them to forget she was there, and boom she'd be in her way. Maybe she just should've turned the other way and continued her nightly hunt instead of going to investigate whatever yelling was going on. This could've all possibly just blew her cover and screwed her over. She had to make a decision now on what to do and fast.

"LAUREN! Tell me what the hell is going on! I'm scared and I wanna just go home!" Camila shouted as a sob escaped her lips.

Camilas plea went to deaf ears though. Lauren still paced back and forth. Debating her options.
She could kill her, but that would definitely cause an uproar in the town. She could let her go, but that would risk exposing herself. Or lastly, she could turn her...

While Lauren thought about what to do, Camila backed up to the tree next to her and slowly slid down the trunk. Her back scraping along the rough surface, probably leaving scratches but she didn't care. The brown eyed girl sobbed and sobbed. Curling up and hugging her knees to her chest. Why couldn't this night be over? She just so badly wanted to return home to her warm bed, loving parents, and smiling sister.

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