Vamp~ Chapter 12

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Camila arrived to school on time, 7:23 to be exact. The brunette slugged down to her locker bay, a wave of fatigue settling over her body once again. As much as she wanted to be at school today her body was begging to go back home. Turning the combination to her locker and opening it up slowly, she rested her head against the cold metal door. Her eyes fluttering to a close as she did so. All she needed was a few seconds of rest. That's all she needed.

"KARLA CAMILA CABELLO! YOU HAVE SOME EXPLAINING TO DO!" A loud familiar voice rang though the hall as it approached a half asleep Camila who was leaned against her locker.

Camila snapped out of her mini nap, whipping her head around to face Dinah, Ally, and Normani, sprinting down the hall towards her.

Camila lit up in a face eating smile as her friends got closer and closer until she was wrapped up in a bone crushing hug.

"We were so worried about you, oh my god. Are you okay?" A teary eyed Normani mumbled into the group hug.

"I-Im fine, yea," Camila lied for about the umpteenth time in the past 2 days.

"Mila i'm so sorry for letting you go into the woods with that disgusting prick, this is all my fault." Ally said whole heartedly, tightening her hold on Camila even more.

Camila froze. How did they know about Austin? She wondered how word got around that fast, and if Austin was using it to his advantage.

"H-How did you know what Austin did- I mean tried to do?" Camila said meekly as she released from the hug.

"Well Dinah over here kind of... beat it out of him," Normai giggled, pointing a finger in Dinahs direction.

"What! I did what I had to do! I have no shame," Dinah shrugged.

"Dinah, you literally beat that kid to a pulp." Ally laughed.

"That Dorito chip lookin fella deserved what he got, like I said before, no shame." Dinah flipped her hair behind her sassily, causing Camila to roll her eyes with a grin plastered on her face. She missed this too much.

"But really Mila, are you okay? You look kind of...pale,"
Dinah said sincerely, giving the shorter girl a squeeze on the shoulder.

Camila flinched at the words and her smile faded. It seemed like everybody was interrogating about her lighter skin color. Was it really that noticeable?

"GUYS I SAID IM FINE!" Camila shouted. She instantly regretted raising her voice due to the new eyes that began to focus on the 4 girls instead of minding there own business.

Camila looked around the crowd of students who stood there, gawking at Camilas outburst. She felt like a bug under a microscope, helpless to the unremitting glares she was getting. Walking down the hallway, a pair of familiar, vividly colored, green eyes came into view, making the brunette instantly feel dizzy and sick to her stomach.

Lauren stood in the hallway with her arms folded over her chest, leaning against a locker... watching her. She definitely heard Camila yell and Camila saw the 'I told you so' was written all over her face. The brown eyed girl wanted to smack that look off of her.

"I- I need to go to the bathroom." Camila stuttered to her friends who still had unreadable expressions on there faces.

"But Mila we just got to see you," Ally chirped in, placing a hand on Camilas shoulder.

That was a terrible mistake. The same sensation that Camila felt earlier with her mother soon washed over her body once more. The thudding of Allys heart beat flooded Camilas ears like a river. It was like she was inside Allys rib cage with a stethoscope in her ears, that's how loud it was.

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