Vamp~Chapter 20

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"Camila wake up. It's 2 in the afternoon, you have training today."

"Not a chance Jaguar," Camila mumbled from under a pillow, a small smirk gracing her lips as she teased the green eyed girl. "I need my beauty sleep."

"NO NO NO! I'm up! Im up!" A blur of black sheets flew up and onto Lauren as Camila jumped from the bed, running over to the green eyed girl and hanging on her like a koala.

"Camila what are you doing." Lauren giggled out at Camilas actions.

"I don't wanna get wet." Camila said in a childish tone, causing Lauren to laugh even harder.

"Don't worry miss koala bear, I'm not gonna actually do it," Lauren chuckled while removing Camilas arms and legs from her shoulders and torso, while also taking the blankets off her head. "But if you don't get dressed and meet me down stairs in 10 then I might have to reconsider."

"You wouldn't dare," Camila glared her down playfully. It turned into more of a check out once Camila noticed just how well Lauren jeans hugged her butt. She pondered as to why she never noticed her ass before, but she was glad she noticed now.

Lauren followed the brown eyed girls gaze and her mouth curved into a small smirk . She caught her staring and Camila swore she saw the dark haired girl blush. Lauren cleared her throat and Camila nearly wanted to hop out the window from embarrassment. They were supposed to be just friends, but friends can stare at each other's butts right? The brown eyed girl chewed on her bottom lip, turning her head down towards the floor while her cheeks burned crimson.

"Oh try me Cabello, I can be pretty ruthless if you want me to." Lauren said huskily, making Camila shudder at the raspy tone.

"I uh w-wouldn't doubt it." Camila stuttered out, still not making eye contact with the green eyed vampire.

"But really though, get ready and meet me downstairs alright? We have a big day today, or should I say afternoon now, but I don't want to waste it anymore then you already have sleeping." Lauren winked, sticking out her tongue and heading out the door, leaving Camila standing there...flustered.

"Damn you Jauregui." Camila scoffed to herself.

This girl was really getting to her. It was only the 4th day of them knowing each other but it already felt like a life time to the brown haired Cuban. It was weird. This effect that the green eyed girl had on her was so overwhelming it made heat rise to her cheeks even at the thought of her. Camila didn't think she'd ever felt this way before. The swelling of her heart, the burning cheeks, the little monach butterflies swarming her stomach whenever Lauren looked her way, it was all new and foreign.

Camila had relationships before. Many actually. It was mostly boys she dated but she did have a few flings with girls. But, none of them even compared to Lauren mesmeric being. Nobody has ever made Camila stutter over her words like Lauren has in just 4 days time, and there was no telling just how much those feelings could grow in a week, month, or even years time spent getting to know one another. Camila was in deep.


"Well that was quick." Lauren smiled at a now dressed and ready Camila. It only took her around 5 minutes to get dressed, the motivation of seeing Lauren as soon as possible might have helped the brown eyed girl in the process.

"What can I say, I'm a speed changer." Camila shrugged.

Both girls laughed and headed out the large front doors. The new fall air hit Camila with its brisk, cold wind right as she stepped out the doors.

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