Vamp~ Chapter 24

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Lauren waited in her car for 30 minuets after school was out. 30 minuets of nothing but the quite hum of a song playing on the radio. She was getting worried after every minute clicked by on the dashboard clock. Camila must be a very slow walker.

Lauren contemplated on going in to look for her but that would just cause more uproar wouldn't it? Lauren groaned loudly, leaned her head on the rim of the steering wheel and sighed loudly. She never did intended for the whole student body to be so interested in the fact that Camila Cabello came out of Lauren Jaureguis car. If she would've know what reaction it stirred, she would've let Camila out and have her walk the rest of the way there.

The green eyed vampire would do anything to keep Camila safe and happy. Camila meant a lot to her even in the short amount of time they've know each other, the feelings of course scared her but excited her at the same time. Camila was her responsibility now after turning her. Not that she had to, but that she wanted to. Lauren was supposed to protect her with all that she had. Today she didn't do that.

The green eyed girl was starting to worry that Camila might have decided to runaway again. No. Camila knew better. She knew what the risks were... Or did she.

Before Lauren could stress herself out to the point of ripping the leather off the steering wheel, the passenger side door opened. Camila huffed into the Jeep, slamming the door behind her.

"I'm sorry for making you wait so long, I just- I just needed to make sure the coast was clear." The brown eyed girl said meekly, leaning her forehead on the cold glass of the window.

A pang of guilt hit Lauren. She knew better than to assume Camila ran away.
"It's okay Camila," Lauren placed her hand on Camilas knee and gave it a gentle squeeze. "I'm the one who should be apologizing."

"What? You didn't do anything wrong Lauren. Why on earth should you be apologizing?" Camila raised an eyebrow but still looking out the window.

"Well being seen with me this morning and having all those people whisper about you and I probably wasn't the best way to start the day." The green eyed girl smiled sadly at the back of Camilas head. "So I'm sorry assuming that things would be different at school. It won't happen again I promise."

"Oh Lauren, you don't get it do you?" Camila whispered. "It wasn't you I was pissed at. It was all them. Lauren I'm so so so sorry for being a capital
B-i-t-c-h to you this morning. I was just scared and wasn't thinking."

"But none of it would've happened if I just dropped you off down the street so nobody saw us together. I'm so-"

"Lauren! You didn't do anything wrong okay! I did! I made a fool out of you in front of a lot of people. Why are you being so hard on yourself?"

"Because I'm supposed to protect you!" Lauren raised her voice a little bit, making Camila turn to look at her.

"I'm supposed to make sure nothing bad happens to you. That was what Charlie did for me, so that's what I want to do for you. I bit you and turned you into something nobody should have to go through, I need to make it up to you somehow." Camila gave a Lauren a small smile. She looked so cute the way she was looking at her, that it made Lauren's cold heart flutter and the vivid lavender eyes peak out from her contacts. "You're important to me now Camila and I protect what's important to me."

The brown eyed girls cheeks grew hot. Charlie was wrong about one thing, Lauren was good at talking. All that Lauren was saying sank deep in her brain. She was important to Lauren.

"Lauren the body guard. I like it" Camila teased and the green eyed girl rolled her eyes playfully. "You're really cute when you talk all deep ya know."

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