Vamp~ Chapter 15

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After Camila composed herself enough to make her way out of her house , the brown eyed girl plopped down into the back seat of the cab. A few more tears made its way down her cheeks once the taxi driver pulled out of the driveway , leaving Camilas normal life behind them. Lauren sensed Camilas sadness and placed a confronting hand on her shoulder.

"Everything is going to be okay I promise you." Lauren whispered , giving a sad smile to the brunette.

"Are you sure about that? It seems to me like things are headed in the complete opposite direction if I'm be quite honest." Camila whispered back as a quiet sob escaped her lips.

"I-I uh," Lauren stuttered. She didn't like when people cried. She was terrible at comforting and even worse at trying to say the right words around a crying Camila.

Before Lauren could open her mouth to speak again, she felt the brown eyed girls arms wrap her around her neck , hugging her tightly. Camila nuzzled her head into the side of Laurens neck and Laurens breathing nearly stopped at the sudden contact.

"Can you please hug me back? Don't say anything, just hug me back. I really just need a hug right now." Camila mumbled into Laurens neck , her breath hitting the sensitive skin and making Laurens heart flutter even more than it already was.

Doing as she was told , Lauren wrapped her arms around the back of Camilas torso without another word. She began to rub small circles on the exposed part of her back where her crop top didn't cover , hoping the gesture calmed Camila down in some way , but the smaller girl still kept a death grip on the collar of Laurens T-shirt. Lauren knew that Camila just needed a friend right now to hold her, tell her everything was going to be alright and make her feel like everything wasn't falling apart at the seams. So whatever feelings the green eyed girl had for the brunette , could wait.

They stayed locked up in the tight embrace during the whole ride to the mansion and Lauren was pretty sure Camila had fallen asleep on her shoulder. Once they reached close enough to the destination Lauren tapped the top of Gary's head to get his attention.

"We can walk from here," Lauren said , not wanting the cab driver to find out the location of the mansion.

"Are you sure? I can stop at your actual destination ya know." Gary protested, not easing up on the break and looking at Lauren though the rear view mirror.

"No that's really not necessary. Just pull over here and we'll walk the rest of the way."

"Just tell me the address and I can-" It was too late, Lauren looked straight into the rear view mirror and opened her eyes wide ,  her eye color changing a mile a minute. The cab driver slowly eased off the gas and pulled off on the side of the road , all under Laurens hypnosis.

Lauren then commanded his foot to stay on the brake while she woke up the girl in her arms. "C'mon Camila , you gotta wake up now." Lauren whispered into her ear. The brown eyed girl didn't even move a muscle.

"Camila c'mon we have to go." Lauren was now shaking the girl slightly by the shoulders , but still nothing.

"CAMILA!" The green eyed girl shouted , now growing more and more frustrated. Lauren then pulled Camila off of her and draped her on the other side of the seat. "Camila we really have to get going so wake up!"

Lauren began to panic. Running a hand though her hair and chewing the cuticle of her nail, she began to shake in fear of why the smaller girl wasn't waking up.

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