Vamp~ Chapter 7

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this part is going to be more on Laurens P.O.V
Both Lauren and Charlie whipped there heads around once they heard the loud thud of something behind the door. Charlie looked at Lauren with concern and Lauren sighed deeply. What more could go wrong today.

"C'mon ass wipe lets go see what happened." Lauren commanded as she turned the door handle and walked inside her bedroom.

Camilas body laid passed out the floor with with her arms, legs, and hair sprawled out. The bandage that Lauren applied to Camilas neck earlier, after carrying her home from the woods, was already drenched in blood again. The brunettes skin was already showing the first sign of transformation, extreme paleness. Her skin went from a caramel brown, to a ghost white. Just how Laurens and Charlies did when they turned.

Lauren took in the new appearance before darting to the ground next to Camila and moving her hair out of her face. Charlie moved to the ground as well and checked to see if she cracked her head open or some had some other major damage to her body.

"No broken bones, buts she's got some nasty bruises on her wrists. " Charlie stated while bouncing up from the ground and wiping his hands clean.

"Thank goodness. And those bruises were from Austin Mahone, the guy who tried to rape her." Lauren informed. Charlie nodded his head in understanding and began to help Lauren move Camila so that she was easier to carry.

The black haired girl already informed Charlie about the situation once she came bursting through the Vamp Mansion doors with an unconscious Camila in her arms. He was her best friend as well so he wouldn't let her through the hallway opening without telling him what it was that happened first. Charlie was shocked at first though, due to the fact that Lauren had never turned ANYBODY in her lifetime. It was something very new to hear.

"Do you think she heard us talking?" Lauren whispered as she began to scoop up Camilas lifeless body in her arms before placing the brown eyed girl on the bed softly. She tucked Camilas sleeping form into the bed again and made sure to prop up the pillows higher.

"Possibly. I mean how else would she get from your massive queen sized bed to the other end of the room that was coincidentally right next to the door...?" The blonde haired boy stated, pointing to the spot Camilas was in just 2 seconds ago. "...She must have heard us and fainted." Laurens best friend, and fellow vampire, Charlie chuckled as he ran a hand through his beach blonde hair.

"Well shit, now I have to tell her don't I?" Lauren wined while sitting on the edge of the bed next to a passed out Camila. Blowing out a breath she didn't even know she was holding in. She reached over and touched Camilas hand lightly, testing to see if her skin was beginning to get cold like her own did when she was a newbie.

"I'm afraid so Laur. It would be selfish of you to wait anyways. And I would probably beat you up for it if you didn't but let's not talk about that." Charlie laughed, making his way over to Lauren.

"I can't believe I bit her Char. I mean she's already changing as we speak. I- I ruined her life forever... She's going to hate me after I tell her."
The black haired girl said just above a whisper. She pulled her hand away once she felt how frigid her temperature was getting. She then placed her head in her own hands and shut her eyes tightly, shaking her head back in forth just like Camila had back in the woods.

"Jaguar, you did what you had to do to protect all of us in this Vamp Mansion. If you wouldn't have bit her she'd probably be halfway down to the police station filing a report on what she saw you do. It's not your fault that you didn't have a choice." Charlie said sincerely. Plopping down next to Lauren on the bed and wrapping his arms around the fragile girl.

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