9 My dream guy

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He let go of me and looked away, I couldn't help myself I had to say something to get my revenge. "Aw look who's blushing now." I said as he tried to break eye contact, I wasn't gonna let that happen.

I made my eyes follow his no matter how much he turned.

"Stop doing that." At this point Han was giggling like a teenage girl, I should know.

"Ok I'll stop but just kiss me one more time. " I knew I could fluster him now and it was so nice to have control for once.

He kissed me again, dipped me and whispered in my ear " So much confidence... but I have more." I started at him with disbelief.

He walked me home and It was kinda awkward when he had to leave, I knew neither of us wanted to leave each other.
I gave him a hug and watched as he left.

"Ooo someone's got a boyfriend, who is it." My mom literally came bolting at me, she could be a bit nosy at times. "Mom, you know Han." She started at me blankly, like girl you asked.

" I knew it, I knew it, I knew it!!. You always did like Han omg tell me everything, no scratch that invite him for lunch or -." I stopped her in her tracks." I'm going to bed ok."


Han - u awake

Cianna - yea actually having a snack

Han -Cianna that's a full on meal 🤤

Cianna - I mean I was hungry

Han -lol anyway I know this is a bit uncomfortable but should we talk about..u know

Cianna - there's nothing to talk about I mean we are dating aren't we

Han - really I mean yea guess so I just wanted to check.

I slept with a literal Grinch grin on my face.

A NIGHT WITH YOU  - Han Jisung Where stories live. Discover now