2-jhand zindagi

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Akansha's pov

"Wake up akansha or you're gonna be late for today." My mom shouted for the 5th time.

"I'll be fine mumma, let me sleep for 5 mins more. I promise panch minute baad uth jaungi" I said whining. I was having such an amazing dream where I was with my fav fictional man(obv it's Aaron Warner)

"It's already 9:30 if you sleep 5 mins more then I don't think that you will be able to go today" my mom shouted once again. And this time I got up with a jerk.

"Kya time ho rha hai" I said in shock to confirm if I had heard her correctly.

"9:30" Aaj toh mein gyi, Why godd whyyy, har baar mein hi kyu. I mentally slapped myself.

"Why didn't you wake me up earlier mumma, I'm gonna be late for my first day now" I said practically shouting as I was running towards the bathroom to grab a quick shower.

I grabbed whatever clothes came in my hand and ran downstairs, saying a quick good morning to papa, I went running towards my car. Ohhh fuckkk, I totally forgot that my car had faced a little accident by a sexy man's car.
What am I even thinking right now, why do I have to think about all this stuff when I'm already late.

I had no other choice but to take my car only as I didn't tell my parents about the incident.
I reached the company 30 mins late even though I practically broke all the speed limits.

Jay's pov

My schedule was a little free today, so I thought that maybe I should attend the briefing for the new interns.

We were in the briefing room the meeting was almost over and I was geting up to leave when suddenly the door opened and a girl came running inside, stumbling onto me.

Before I could think of anything my reflexes grabbed her waist so that she wouldn't fall. Her eyes were shut tightly, after a few seconds she realised that she was okay and when she opened her eyes. I died
I literally died because her eyes were just so pretty, no pretty is an understatement they were ✨magical✨ I could look at those eyes my whole life and I still wouldn't be bored.

I removed my hands from her waist as I realised that everyome in the room were staring us.

"I'm really sorry, I didn't see you there, and thank you for not letting me fall " she said with an awkward smile on her face.

"You should be more careful, I won't be here every time you fall" I totallly regretted saying that.
You've just met her Jay, my inner voice said to me.

She passed me an awakrad smile and went towards the other girl standing in the briefing room.

I was not the lover boy type, I don't even think that somebody could ever tolerate me, so I put on my cold face and gave a little speech to the interns.

And at the end while looking at her I said," you should be on time from the next time indiscipline would not be tolerated here"to which she bowed her head.

After taking a quick glance at her face I left the room and went towards my office.
I don't know why but I think that I've seen her before.

Leaving her thoughts behind I entered my office and submerged myself in my work.

I don't even know where the hours went by, it was time to go home now, I used my private elevator that directly got me to the underground parking lot.
As I was going towards my car I noticed the small dent I got from yesterday's little incident. And then it all came flying back to me, the girl that I hit with my car was the same girl who fell in my arms today.

"Ye duniya ke saare kand mere saath hi kyu hone hote hai" I thought to myself and started driving home.
It didn't matter how much I tried that girl was not ready to leave my mind.

As soon as I reached home, I saw that the lights were out, that probably means that everyone is asleep. So I went into my room and thought to take a quick shower.

I let the cold water run through my body as the scenes of today replayed in my mind. I just wanted to know more about her.

After a while changed into sweats and went in the kicthen to eat something. There I saw Diya crying. I don't know why but whenever I saw her crying I felt like murdering anyone who caused her pain.

"What happened diya why are you crying like this, is everything ok?" I asked, with worry in my voice
She jerked at the sound of my voice, she didn't know that I was watching her crying. She quickly wiped her tears and pretended that she was fine.

"I already saw you crying bacche, why try to hide it , you know you can tell me anything right? If something is bothering you then tell me, I'll help you solve the problem" I asked her again. And this time she finally said, something in between her hiccups.
"Calm down first, sit here and then tell me" I said pointing at the sofa.
She followed me and then say down beside me.
"Bhai when I was in class today, a boy tried talking to me and I told him clearly that I wasn't interested, but then he kept following me the whole day, and when I was finally leaving he tried to force himself on me, I pushed him and drived away" listening to her boiled my blood, how dare that bastard touch her.

"Diya listen to me, it's not your fault ok, I'll handle it, don't worry" I said pulling her in a hug.

After talking to her for a while I told her to go sleep and then I went to my room.

I called dhruv, (J-jay, D-dhruv)

D- Bhai raat ke 2:30 bj rhe hai tu nhi soya iska matlab ye nhi ki baaki log bhi ullu hai.

Only he had the guts to talk to me like that in the whole world, because people know that I could destroy them with the snap of my fingers.

J - I need some information on a guy and I want him caught by tomorrow.

D- is it something serious.

J- that bastard touched diya.i will not let him slip easily.

D-just send me the details, I'll get it done.
And I disconnected the call.

I knew dhruv would get me the information as soon as possible because Diya was like a sister to him too, and I know that he would not tolerate someone touching her.

The next day

I rescheduled my meeting for today as I had some*buisness* to deal with.

Dhruv told me all about that guy and I got him picked up, and now he was ina warehouse wondering what he did.

As I reached the warehouse, I found dhruv already standing there.
"You didn't think that I would let you do the honours alone, did you?"

"Ofcourse not" I said with a mischievous smile on my face.

As we entered, I saw a guy tied to a chair with his mouth taped and a cloth on his face.
I pulled the cloth with a jerk and knelt so that I could see him face to face, he flinched a little as the light entered his eyes.i slowly removed the tape from his mouth.

"I didn't do anything, please leave me." He said, fear clearly visible on his face.

" Seems like a thing someone who did something would say" Dhruv said from the back.

"Do you know who Diya Malhotra is?" I asked. And now he knows why he was here, before he could say anything his face met my fist.His chair fell backwards.
I asked one of my men to get him up again.

" I was just trying to talk to her" he said crying.

This time Dhruv slapped him hard on his face. Blood coming out of his lips now and his face bruised.
"She clearly said no, how dare you touch her with your filthy hands, you fuckin bastard" and he punched him hard on the stomach.

Before he could say anything the sound of a
gunshot was heard, I shot him.
I asked my men to clear the mess and left from there.

Hey lovelies!
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Well he is a softy fir his family💀
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Love divya❤️

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