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3rd person pov

*17 years ago in the forbidden forest*

The wolf pack was anxious and excited. They were excited because soon  the new great alpha would be born and they were excited to see which werepup would be bonded to him or her but they were also anxious because tonight was the blood moon

Wylie the current alpha of the pack and mother to be had prayed that her baby wouldn't come tonight since something bad could happen to her tonight during the blood moon but her prayers went unanswered

Just as the blood moon was at its peak the great alpha was born but instead being greeted warmly by the pack they immediately had her Banished

No! You can't do that! She's just a baby Wylie said trying to save her child's life

She's not the great alpha Wylie look at her! Something is wrong with her. She's supposed to have white hair like the prophecy said. Look her hair is as dark as night the blood moon did something to her. One of the elders said

That doesn't mean she needs to be banished from the pack! She's still a wolf for moonstone sake! Wylie said

Yes it does! We don't know what other problems she might have and we cannot afford to waste a moonstone necklace on a pup that won't serve on their own another elder said while Wylie was in tears

Please... Wylie begged as the elders shook their heads

Your alpha Wylie you have to do what's best for the pack the elder said

Fine but I'm not gonna just leave her in the woods to die there's a town called Seabrook I'll take her there and leave her there Wylie said wanted her daughter to have a fighting chance and to maybe return

And that's what she did. She wrapped her daughter up in a blanket and placed her in a basket and made her way to Seabrook and left her on the door step of a family who had just learned they were gonna have a baby

Wylie kissed her baby goodbye and hid after ringing the door Bell and waited for it to open

And it didn't take long. Wylie watched as a husband and wife opened the door and watched as the wife gasped seeing the baby on their door step and immediately picked her up while the husband looked around to see if anyone was around to tell them where this baby came from

Wylie watched as they took her daughter inside their home

She hopes that she would see her daughter again and that she would help them find the Moonstone and save the pack before it was too late but Wylie also had a feeling that she might not see her again and that this would be the last time she would see her daughter.

Hey guys I hope you like this chapter comment below on what you think.

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