chapter 6

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Roxanne pov

After Willa practically dragged me out the library willa finally spoke

I don't like her. I don't want you around her. Willa said simply

Look I'm not to thrilled with what she said either but she's still my sister I can't just avoid her I said as Willa just growled in response

Soon we made it to zombie Town where the other wolves were reading the books that Willa took

Anything? Willa asked as they shook their heads

This is absolutely useless! We are never gonna find the moonstone
Willa said in frustration

What's so special about this moonstone? I asked as the wolves looked at me

The Moonstone is an ancient crystal that is used as a power source by us wolves. Willa said

And what does it power? I mean y'all live in the woods I said

"It powers these" Willa said showing me her necklace "Werewolves have small pieces of the moonstone embedded into necklaces, that have to be recharged every so many years or we will die."

So that's why your pack is sick. I said thinking about earlier

Yeah it was stolen a century ago. Wyatt said

A 100 years ago!? But that's means...I said as Willa nodded solemnly

Yes. We have lost a lot of wolves. We lost most of our elders. Willa said as I nodded as I saw zed, Eliza and Zoey.

Oh Lord. What does he want? I said

Hello wolves, allow me to introduce myself. I'm Zed, zombie, football star,presidential hopeful. Zed said

What do you want zed? I said bluntly

When zombies first came
to Seabrook, we were outsiders, too. Which is why you need a great president like Zed to represent you. Eliza said

We'd be honored if you guys
joined us. Zed said as wynter stood up

Our pack is our pack. We don't need anyone else, so...wynter said as Zoey spoke up

Who doesn't want more friends?
Underneath all that fluffy hair,
I bet you're a real softie. Zoey said as wynter looked offended

I am a mean, mean werewolf,
kid. I am tough and rough. Wynter said as Zoey giggled

Aww, you said "ruff." Like a sweet little puppy dog. Ruff, ruff! Zoey said

We are beasts of the forest, we will never be tamed. Wynter said as Zoey started scratching behind her ear "Oh boy. Oh wow, that's great. Oh wow."

Wynter seemed to enjoy but when she saw Willa looking at her not to pleased to made Zoey stop

Hmm I wonder if will would react the same way. Maybe I'll try it out later

We're nothing like you zombies. Willa said

You sort of are. Your necklace is powered, right? Kind of like an organic Z-band. Eliza said as Willa looked at Eliza impressed

You're smarter than he looks. Willa complimented

Thanks Eliza said blushed which made me growl under my breath not pleased

That necklace keeps you from fully wolfing out? Zed asked as he reached for her necklace and I immediately slapped his hand away

The opposite. Our moonstones make us our true werewolf selves. wyatt said

So without it you'd be human? Zed asked

No, we'd die. We'd be nothing. Willa said firmly

Imagine how alive you'd feel
if you didn't have to tamp things down. Hold back your true selves. Wyatt said

Actually, I've got this theory
that zombies might've evolved
beyond their need for Z-bands. Eliza said enthusiastically before zed shut her down

Z-bands are great. They help you fit in. And I think you guys would have a much better time at Seabrook if you just followed
in our footsteps. Join a club,
play football. I'll even teach you
how to tackle. Just lighten up.
Be more like us. Zed said as music started to play

Yeah I'm sitting this one out I thought as I watched as zed tried to convinced the wolves to be like zombies while the wolves openly mocked him and what made it the icing on the cake was when wynter tacked zed to the ground like he was nothing. Now that was hilarious.

"Well it's been fun but I gotta get home. I have homework to do and I have to mentally prepare myself for cheer practice tomorrow" I said "Willa I had fun and I'll see you tomorrow and zed I still don't like you and your not getting my vote no time soon

I quickly went back to the school to get my motorcycle and rode home where I saw my mom and dad waiting for me at the table

Roxanne we need to talk. Mom said

Hey guys, I hope you like this chapter. I'd like to thank Leobaddie2022 for the idea for this chapter. What do you think missy and dale want to talk to her about? Should they tell her the truth of her origin?

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