chapter 10

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Wylie's POV

Seeing my daughter standing before me, the girl I thought I'd lost forever, brought tears to my eyes. I could hardly believe it. My hands trembled as I reached out to touch her face, making sure she was real.

"Come inside," I said, my voice thick with emotion. "We have much to discuss." I led Roxanne and her friend Hope through the den, nodding to the members of the Uley pack who were watching us with wary eyes. They had taken me in when I had nowhere else to go, and now they looked to me for guidance as much as they did to Sam.

Inside, the den was warm and bustling with activity. Wolves moved about, preparing meals and tending to the young ones. I led the girls to a quieter corner where we could talk without interruption. As we sat, I noticed Roxanne's curious and anxious gaze taking in every detail.

"You must have so many questions," I said softly, looking at her. She nodded, biting her lip.

"How did you survive all these years?" Roxanne asked, her voice a mixture of wonder and confusion. "And why did they banish you? All I ever heard was that it was because of me."

I sighed, glancing at Hope, who was sitting silently beside her. "It wasn't because of you, Roxanne. You were born on a blood moon, yes, but that wasn't why they banished me. It was because I refused to give you up. Our pack, in their ignorance and fear, thought you were a bad omen. I fought to protect you, and for that, they exiled me."

Hope looked up, her eyes sharp. "But why didn't you come back? Surely you could have found a way."

"It wasn't that simple," I replied. "When they banished me, they took my moonstone necklace. Without it, I was weaker and more vulnerable. I had no choice but to leave and find somewhere safe. I wandered for a long time before the Uley pack found me and took me in. They gave me a new moonstone and a new home."

Roxanne frowned, her brows furrowing. "But why didn't you ever try to contact me? Let me know you were alive?"

"I did try," I said, my voice breaking a little. "But the Seabrook pack had strict laws about banished wolves. Any attempt to return or communicate was met with severe punishment. I couldn't risk drawing their wrath upon you. I hoped that one day, you would be strong enough to come find me."

Roxanne looked at me with a mixture of anger and sadness. "I needed you, Mom. Growing up without you was hard. I had so many questions, so many things I didn't understand about myself."

I reached out and took her hand. "I know, and I'm so sorry, my darling. I wish things had been different. But now you're here, and we can make up for lost time."

Hope, who had been listening quietly, finally spoke up. "We need to know more about the moonstone. It's crucial for Roxanne to understand her heritage and her powers."

I nodded, understanding the urgency in her voice. "The moonstone is more than just a symbol. It holds ancient magic that connects us to the lunar cycles and our inner wolves. When I was banished, they took my original moonstone, but the Uley pack gave me a new one. It isn't as powerful, but it has kept me alive all these years."

Roxanne's eyes widened. "So, the moonstone can enhance our abilities?"

"Yes," I said. "But it also comes with responsibilities. The moonstone must be protected, for if it falls into the wrong hands, it can be used to control or harm us. Your moonstone, the one that was meant for you, is still missing."

Hope leaned forward, her expression serious. "Do you have any idea where it might be?"

I shook my head. "I've heard rumors over the years, but nothing concrete. Some say it's hidden in a place of great power, guarded by ancient spirits. Others believe it was taken by a rival pack. We will need to investigate and follow the clues."

Roxanne's determination shone through her eyes. "Then we should start as soon as possible. I can't let this opportunity slip away."

I smiled at her, proud of her courage. "Yes, we will start tomorrow. Tonight, you both need to rest and gather your strength. The journey ahead will not be easy."

As we prepared for the night, I couldn't help but feel a glimmer of hope. My daughter had found me, and together, we would face whatever challenges lay ahead. We would find the moonstone and restore what had been lost. And perhaps, in the process, we would heal the wounds of the past and forge a new future for our pack.

Roxanne and Hope settled into a cozy corner of the den, while I went to speak with Sam Uley, the alpha of the pack. He was a stern but fair leader, and I needed his support for the journey ahead.

"Sam," I said as I approached him. "We need your help. My daughter and I are going to search for her moonstone."

Sam looked at me, his eyes thoughtful. "I figured this day might come. You're going to need all the help you can get. The journey will be dangerous, and there are many who would seek to stop you."

"I know," I replied. "But we have to try. Roxanne's future depends on it."

He nodded, placing a hand on my shoulder. "Then you have my support. I'll send some of our best scouts with you. They know the land and can help you navigate the dangers."

"Thank you, Sam," I said, feeling a wave of relief wash over me. "We won't forget this."

As I returned to the den, I saw Roxanne and Hope talking quietly, their bond already growing stronger. I couldn't help but feel a surge of pride and determination. Together, we would face whatever came our way. And together, we would reclaim our legacy.

The next morning, as the first light of dawn crept into the den, we prepared to leave. The Uley pack members who were coming with us gathered their supplies, and Sam gave us a few final words of encouragement.

"Stay strong, and stay together," he said. "And remember, you're always welcome here."

With those words, we set off into the forest, the path ahead uncertain but our resolve unshaken. As we walked, I couldn't help but steal glances at Roxanne. She had grown into such a strong and capable young woman, and I knew that together, we would overcome any obstacles.

"Where do we start?" Roxanne asked as we made our way through the dense trees.

"We start with the old stories," I said. "The legends and tales that have been passed down through the generations. They hold the clues we need to find the moonstone."

Hope looked at me, curiosity in her eyes. "What kind of stories?"

"Stories of ancient wolves and powerful magic," I replied. "Of battles fought and alliances forged. We need to listen carefully and piece together the hints they provide."

As we walked, I began to recount the old tales, hoping that within them, we would find the answers we sought. The journey would be long and fraught with danger, but with Roxanne by my side, I felt a strength and determination I hadn't felt in years.

Together, we would uncover the secrets of the moonstone. And together, we would reclaim our place in the world.

Hey guys I hope you like this chapter. I'd like to thank Jasp3rrul3s for this idea. If you have ideas for the next chapter comment down below.

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