Chapter 6: Pouring Water

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|The front door of the villa opens after some seconds. But instead of Yeji, Hyunjin comes out of it.|

I widen my eyes

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I widen my eyes. Why is Hyunjin here? Wasn't Minho supposed to take me to Yeji's house?

Hyunjin also seems surprised to see me because he launches confused looks at both Minho and Bangchan.

<Uhm... Hi Eunbi...> He shyly says, waving at me in little.

<Hi Hyunjin...> I greet him back. The air is really awkward. Why isn't anyone saying anything?

<Why are you wet aga-> Hyunjin is interrupted by a high pitched voice from behind him.

After some seconds, Yeji's little head pops up behind Hyunjin's shoulders and greets us with a cute smile.

<Oh hi Eunbi, you're finally here. Why do you look like you just took a shower but dressed? Come in.> She says, lightly pushing Hyunjin out of the way to let me enter.

Minho and Bangchan also follow me inside but they start talking with Hyunjin.

<Make yourself at home> Yeji brightly says, motioning me to follow her upstairs.

I nod while I observe the place. Even if it's very big, it feels cozy.
I glance a last time at Hyunjin before going completely upstairs.

I feel a bit guilty because I'm leaving a trail of water drops behind me.
Yeji somehow reads my mind and says <Don't worry about it, we have a maid.>

I nod. But I'm still a bit shocked by the fact that Hyunjin is here.
Are they really dating? To the point to live together? Or maybe he just came here to spend some time with her but why are Minho and Bangchan here too?

My mind is burning with questions that I want to ask but I'm scared.

Yeji then opens a wooden door revealing a beautiful bedroom. The main color is light blue. It gives off vibes of serenity.

<It's cute> I simply say, looking around.

<Thank you! You can sit on the bed or wherever you want.> She says pointing at the bed and then to the chair of her desk.

<Okay> I nod sitting on the edge of the bed. The mattress is surprisingly soft and bouncy.

<Sooo.... now that we have the chance to talk... from where do I start?> Yeji asks herself while touching her chin. She also sits on the bed next to me.

<Well... what's the situation between you and Hyunjin?> I gather all my braveness to ask this, as if I'm scared of something.

<Oh yes, you're right. It's difficult to explain but I'll try, you deserve an explanation after all...> She starts to say as she begins to fidget with her fingers. She seems uncomfortable with this topic but I think it's time to face it for the sake of our friendship.

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