Chapter 18: Warn

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|<You know, since Hyunjin is my friend, I want to test your loyalty to him>|

|<You know, since Hyunjin is my friend, I want to test your loyalty to him>|

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I lean back, to gain distance between us. There are others here in the living room so I don't want that people get wrong ideas.

Expecially now that I just got into a relationship.

<What? And you are you to judge my loyalty?> I ask, crossing my arms.

Minho rolls his eyes. He then looks around to check if someone is listening.

<Listen, I'll be honest. I don't approve your relationship with him. Don't get me wrong, I care about Hyunjin but I've known him for years. In my opinion, he is still not over his ex.> Minho explains, lowering his voice.

But his words infuriated me. Why is he trying so hard to ruin my happiness.

<He told me about Seojin. He told me everything. Are you trying to do the same with me?> I ask, getting annoyed.

He frowns his eyebrows.
<What- no> Minho said but I speak again.

<You just can't stand the fact that he gets a girlfriend and you don't?> I spit, driven by anger.

This may have been a bit too rough. I'm not in the wrong tho, he is the one who always tries to ruin everyone's happiness.

Minho's face twitches and his gaze darkens. He stands up from the couch and runs a hand back in his hair.

<Don't run to me crying afterwards> He says, looking down at me.

<Do you think you are so important to me that I would let you console me?> I answer, still irritated.

He stays silent for a second, staring at me with a disappointed face.

<What? Why are you looking at me as if I told you we're not friends anymore?> I ask, raising an eyebrow.

<We never were, in case you had doubts> I finish to say.

I'm right, though. Why would I be friend with someone like Minho?
He only brought me troubles and nothing else.

<I never said I wanted to be your friend either. I tried to help you, but you refused it.> Minho lowly says, afraid that the conversation got a bit too louder.

<Help about what? Hyunjin is a nice guy. You should stop putting him down> I say and I stand up too.

The others sat on the table and they are chatting. I want to check what is Hyunjin doing in the kitchen.

<Then don't say I didn't warn you> Minho says from behind me.

<Whatever> I mutter, walking towards the kitchen. I can't hear him anymore.

I open the kitchen door and I suddenly hear a burning smell. I widen my eyes seeing Hyunjin fighting against a fly.

When he notices my presence, he runs behind me and hides.
I'm confused but I'm more worried about the carbonised spaghetti in the pot.

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