Chapter 16: Steal my Heart

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|<I'll be blunt. Are you by any chance dating Minho?>|

I impulsively laugh but I stop once I notice his face that stays serious

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I impulsively laugh but I stop once I notice his face that stays serious.
I clear my throat.

<Wait, you were serious?> I ask, leaning back on the bench.

<Yes. Han told me what he saw when you two were hiding together. Also today you and Minho entered the canteen together. He even opened the door for you. Eunbi, he rarely gives attention to any girl.> Hyunjin explains, scratching the back of his neck.

I reflect on his words. I see, that the whole thing is easy to misunderstand.

<I think there has been a huge misunderstanding. Me and Minho hated, hate and will hate each other. We aren't compatible and I'm glad about it. When Han saw Minho all over me on the bed, it's because I was refusing to give him his handkerchief and- oh wait> I say, quickly covering my mouth. Maybe I shouldn't have mentioned the handkerchief. Minho looked so scared about Hyunjin finding out about it.

Hyunjin eyebrows lower.
<His... handkerchief?> He lowly asks, as if he hopes he heard wrong.

I sigh. I guess there is no point in denying it now.

<Yes, the other day, when we attended detention together. He made me cry but then he "gifted" his handkerchief to me. I found that weird but the same day, during hide and seek, he absolutely wanted it back.> I explain, feeling like a traitor for telling everything to Hyunjin.

<The blue and white fabric handkerchief?> He asks, his tone still low and insecure.

<Yes... why?> I ask. I think this an opportunity to find out about this situation.

Hyunjin takes a deep breath. His mood is suddenly down and it's influencing mine too.

<To explain it to you I would have to start from a few years ago> He says, bringing a leg on the bench.

<You can tell me if you want. You don't have to, if you don't feel like it> I say, my tone is now soft to comfort him. At my words he softly smiles and turns his head to me.

<I'll tell you, because I trust and want to trust you.> Hyunjin says, playing with a strand of his hair.

<I'm happy that it is like this> I smile back at him, sitting a bit more toward him, to face him better.

<Okay so... I'll start. It was two years ago. On the first day of school, I found a ring on the ground. It was pretty so I took it planning to find the owner.> He begins to explain and until now, everything seems normal and not really related to the handkerchief. But I keep listening in silence.

<I arrive at the welcome ceremony in the main hall and by pure coincidence, I hear a girl asking her friend if she saw a silver ring somewhere. I turn around and I pull out the ring from my pocket.
I ask her if it was hers and she immediately smiled as soon as she saw it on the palm of my hand. Seeing her smile, I couldn't do anything but smile too. Her cute dimples added a unique charm to her aura. She then grabs it and wears it to her finger. Even if I had just met her, her happiness made my day better. After that day, we kept talking once in a while. I wasnt really convinced of my feelings for her at first. I wouldnt say I liked her since the first day because I felt like I had to know more about her to decide about my feelings. In the beginning I only thought she was cute and I was happy that I did a good deed. We got closer within months until I gathered up my courage and asked her out.
She surprisingly accepted and I couldn't be happier.
I was already friend with Minho and I used to tell him everything related to her. Even if he looked disinterested in it, I felt like I wanted to tell everyone about her.> Hyunjin continues his story. I still don't see where it's going. Also end up feeling jealous as he describes her that prettily. Also I find myself hating his smile everytime he is saying something about this girl.

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