chapter 1-wedding night

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Author POV
So today is jenlisa wedding they both are so happy they do a condition Jennie said they will have 6 kids cuz she loves kids so much, but Lisa said yes In one condition is they do it only then she in mood they both said ok let's see then

Jennie POV
I'm so so excited for this but at same time so happy because then we do condition she didn't say "you need be gentle at bed" idk way, but if she knew how rough I be tonight she will regret it never mind, now rosie is helping me to dress the wedding start in 30 minuets I'm nervous now

Rosie:man,don't worry everything will be fine*rub my back*

Jennie:ik thanks*smile*

Rosie:we have party after wedding you and Lisa will go you two have a whole night to work out*smirk*

Jennie:*i jump a little to get up from chair with smirk*yeah your right*i go closer to her and said*i make sure she will cry

Rosie:that's my boyyy*little shout*

Lisa POV
Omg I'm so so excited for today I'm with jisoo unnie she's helping me so much

Lisa:unnie thank you so much for helping*hug her*

Jisoo:don't worry*hug her back but we two hear rose shout "that's my boyyy" I break hug and said*uhu I see you will not be able walk for month this happen to me too than Jennie was with Rosie in wedding room

Lisa:*glup*yahh jisoo she's gentle Ik her and I want do that thing too*smirk*

Jisoo:come on your to weak handle her on bed*then I change topic*btw let's go for wedding

End of wedding
Lisa's POV
Lisa:hon I'm tired are we going home I can't stay in this dress anymore*pout my lips*

Jennie:yes hon*smirk*Rosie, jisoo*shout

Jisoo:yes are you two going

Jennie:yes she can't stay on dress

Rosie:*whisper on Jennies*don't let her sleep tonight

Jennie:*wink and go with Lisa*

Jisoo:*after they leave I pinched Rosie waist*i hear you monkey

On car while driving
Lisa POV
Me and Jennie didn't talk for 5min, until I feel her hand rubbing me tight I let it, but I just start become more tight and I let out a little low moan

Lisa:b-baby c-can you s-stop*look at her*

Jennie:baby you think we're going to sleep nah not tonight we will have fun*kiss her check*

Lisa:Ik but were still on car

Jennie:*i rub her tight and touch her pussy she touch my hand*

Lisa:b-baby please b-be patient*moan*fuck ah

Jennie:we arrive*i said and get out go to her seat and carry her to our room push on bed take off her and my clothes*

Lisa:*i thought she will be gentle but now*ughh

Jennie:*i put one finger deep,fast and I smirk*

Lisa:ughhh fuck j-j-jennie sl-slowww downnn*i scream because of her vein, long finger*

Jennie:baby you can't handle my finger what if it is me dck*i put three fingers*

Lisa:omfg baby s-s-s-stoppp
*I scream in pain*

//after 30 minutes//

I think it was over then she ly beside me but

Jennie:*sit up*sit on my lap hands on back face on me

Lisa:*scared but do what she say sit on her lap and look at her*yes done

Jennie:*smirk*good girl now take off me boxers I have surprise

Lisa:*get up sit on my knees and take off her boxers shocked*w-what you th-think this will fit me*ommgggg she has a 15 inch dck I'm absolutely sure it won't fit me*

Jennie:back on position*she do what I say and sit on my lap let my huge dck fully inside her and I thrust hard inside her*ohh fuck your so tight baby girl

Lisa:*i can't handle it I scream as much as I can and start cry it's so painful*ughhhhhhhh f-fuckkk b-b-babyyyy stoppp ahhhh ughhh

Jennie:*smirk*that's not my name princess*slap her ass check with my hand but I didn't see it cuz she's on my lap*

Lisa:*i feel a slap on my butt and I remember something*d-d-d-daddyyyy daddy please st-stopp i-i can't ughhhh

Jennie:*i notice she's about to cum and she did, I slow down lay on bed*you can lay*i said she lay beside me and hug me*i promise this is the low level I ever did in sex because I'm so tired

Lisa:what!? I mean... Mean you are so huge *kiss her lips*I'm lucky I'm so tired*hug her*

Jennie:ok sweet dreams hon*hug her back and sleep

This is my first time writing a story, sorry if I didn't do it good
The next chapter will come tomorrow ❤

i can't be gentle on bed//jentop//Where stories live. Discover now