chapter 15-sex all day(part 2)

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L:*after some minutes, it start feels good*a-ahh daddy k-keep going

J:mommy love then I fuck her from behind deep,don't you? *kiss her neck from behind*

L:y-yes I l-love it ahh*moan*d-daddy I want to kiss you w-wanna taste y-your l-lips

J:not now mommy please nah*smirk*


J:*i start bang her hard*ah*bang*ah*bang*ah*bang*

L:fuck fuck ah ahhh daddyyy

J:*i open my phone screen to look at time, I got shocked*baby I pass my workout time

L:j-just skip it f-for t-today ah*moan*

J:but you can't feel my abs if I don't workout

L:o-ok daddy, c-can we w-workout together


L:*i was about to dress but she stop me*why did you stop me?

J:you don't need clothes we will make out and there


J:*i wear my gym clothes*

L:you look so fucking hot on this outfit*she touch me chest*

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L:you look so fucking hot on this outfit*she touch me chest*

J:you too*i carry her to my private gym at house*

L:*she was working out and I look at her, I can't take that so I go sit on his lap*

J:is mommy obsessed with anyone here uhu? *smirk*

L:yes daddy I'm obsessed with you dick I wanna feel it inside every minute, and he's huge with veins more long then my pussy, it look big but inside me more even big, I don't care if I cry shaking or anything just fuck me fuck me hard as I can't walk again

J:oh my little shy princess turn into a naughty girl

L:yes daddy only you can do this to me*i don't fucking know what is coming out my mouth*

J:sit on my face*command*

L:alright*i sit on her face I try to let her breath but*


L:s-sorry*i do what she said after few seconds I feel her tongue on my pussy and I moan*

J:*i fuck her with my tongue for like 15 minutes*

L:*i slowly get up and see her breathing heavy*baby did I hurt you I di-

J:*i kiss her so she can shut up put her down on floor start to do some push ups while I put my dick inside after few minutes I start go hard on her*

L:*he's being hard*d-d-daddy s-slowww d-do-

J:*i kiss her and after some seconds*shhhh just feel pleasure

L:*i can't feel pleasure now just pain*arghhh*after few more minutes I cum*

J:*after she cum I go down her and start suck, lick, bite,kiss all over her cute little pussy*

L:a-ahh d-daddy fuck y-y-your t-to-to-ahh-ton-*can't speak probably*

J:*lool at her*you want daddy's tongue inside uhu?

L:*nodd while breathing heavily*

J:not until you speak*smirk*

L:yes daddy please put it so deep fuck me harder

J:but you start cry and beg to stop

L:idc just do it

J:don't you wanna eat dinner it's already 6:30am

L:yeah I'm hungry but what about our chall-

J:I have an idea you come cook and I fuck you from behind


On kitchen
Jennie POV
I was fucking her from behind while she was cooking,her legs were shaking, she tell me I ignore, so she tell me again and I say that I don't care I wanna fuck her like this, I mean I wanna fuck her while she is standing

L:j-jen I can't s-stand anymore

J:yes you can

L:*i cook more fast so I can sit*

J:*she was done cooking and sit on our chair, she was wearing my long,white suit and her the suit was revealing all her chest I get horny, after I done my food I push little back of chair and start jerking myself*

L:*i saw at her jerking herself and I forget about food*

J:*she was stareing at me like a hungry wolf that didn't eat for long time*

At bedroom
Lisa POV
It's already 10:00 and we fucked until now I'm so tired of his dick and we still do it

J:love can you lay on your stomach

L:*at least she is being gentle*yes*i lay on my stomach*

J:*i touch her back gentle*you have beautiful back*slowly go to her ass and cares it*and I gourgeas ass

L:*i can feel his hands but his dick come inside me deep I think every time he gets bigger and bigger*ahh

J:shhh love it's not your first

L:b-but your getting always m-more bigger i-it feels like the first

J:uhu really? But do like it? *spenk her*


J:I love being rough in sex, do you feel that too? *spenk even harder*

L:ahhh Yesss

J:me too, you like eat my dick? *spenk her more hard**i saw her moving her hand near her own ass so I pull her hands and put them under her chest*

L:*we have sex till 11:30 and we sleep because tomorrow we will get Liam I'm so excited*

Sorry, for late update
I try get any idea but is so hard so please support me I love you all ❤

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