chapter 9-pregnant

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Jennie POV
Jennie:baby I didn't mean that*follow Lisa*

L:yes you did you don't love me anymore*sobbing sit on bed hug my legs*

J:omg baby I did say that because I don't love you it was because is bad fo-*the door ring*

L:go away

I sigh and go open the door it was Rosie and jisoo unnie


R:what's up bro

J:hey how are you? *sad face*

R:why are you sad*confused*

JS:yeah and there is Lisa she always hug me like kid? *worried*

J:she's on bed crying because she vomit few times she say I want mc Donald I go buy them and then she say I'm full so I eat it but after some minutes she cry because I eat them I go buy again she didn't eat and I didn't eat them, but she shout at me why I didn't them, and we were watching Netflix she said I want gummy bears and go get a cup after she finished she wants more I get eight cups, she still want more I said no because it's unhealthy this is why she cry

R:bro is she pregnant omg I'm gonna be uncle Heyy*happy*

JS: wait we need do three tests and we find out*smile*

J:*i froze and don't know what do and I run fast to my room Lisa was crying and I hug her and shout*BABY ARE YOU PREGNANT I'M GONNA BE DAD

L:what who said that*confused*

J: jisoo Rosie unnie*i kiss all over her face*

JS:yah stop Jennie Nd Rosie need to go buy three pregnant test ik Jennie don't have idea what they are so go go*Jennie gets key run while screaming with Rosie*

L:jisoo does that mean I'm gonna be mom*shaking*

JS:yes yk this was your only dream*hug her tight*thank you for making me uncle

L:*cry from happiness*omg I'm gonna be mom I can't wait hearing my kids calling me mom*hug jisoo*

JS:Lisa listen now you will think no one loves you you will be over thinker but trust me this is just pregnant period don't dare breaking up with Jennie or anything

L:ok thanks unnie*smile*

I come out from bathroom shaking and crying

J:baby are you ok? *I run to her*

L:*i look deep in her eyes and said*your going to be dad soon

J:*my tears fall down hug Lisa tight*thanks baby for making me dad we did we did it

JS&R:celebrate we need go bye love you two*leave*

Me and Jennie were cuddling she didn't take off her hands from my Tommy

J:baby does that mean I can't fuck you for 9 month*whisper*

L:no it's ok I ask doctor but not now I'm sleeping*close my eyes*

J:ok honey sleep well*kiss her forehead*

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