chapter 19-bad kids

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Lisa pov
Today I wake up and jennie wasn't beside me,she go early to work today so I get up get a shower,put some make up and go to wake up my kids,after their routine,we go to kitchen together and I start to cook while talking to my kids,immediately lily said(first they have five kids the oldest:Liam-middle:Lily middle2:Ron-middle3:Ruston middle4:Ella-youngest:Lucas, they may look cute but you will better read this)

"Mom teacher tell us that today we are going to learn about how people makes babies,so can you tell me how you and dad make us I want to know the topic without learning in on school,my teacher will love me"lily said

"A-uh baby you better learn it at school"i said and smile at her

"OH my dear sister I can help you with this,I know this topic on biology better then myself "Liam said while smirking,I glare at him

"Liam do not dare to do that,and why did you focus on that topic,your like your dad"i said

"Why you want me to not study ok as you say "Liam said while eating his pancakes

"No not like that but you can learn every topic like that"i said he nodded

"Mommm bdydurbmk"i hear me little baby Luca trying to say something

"You want more baby more come mom will give you more"i said with a baby voice as I open my amr for him

"Mom clearly love him more"ella said

"Ella I hear you "I said as they go to get ready for school

After 30 minutes

"All ready"i ask

"Yeahh"they scream and run to car as I go to car while holding Luca he's still young for school

At night
Jennie pov
I come home from work and as I enter I hear Luca screaming

"Daddddd rbdudjxnef"he is trying to say something I don't understand but I get him from lisa and kiss him

"Hon how are you?"i ask lisa as I kiss her she respond

"I'm fine how about you"she ask

"I'm fi-"I said while immediately Liam Lily Ron and Ruston in front,Liam said "can you two stop and dad can four of us go to Olivia our cousin for sleepover and give us money for clothes..."he stop as lily pinch him on waist "...please"he finally said the word please

"Then you ask so nicely...ofc here's the money"i give them 200 thousand dollars

"Baby isn't that too much for them"lisa ask After the kids go

"It's ok for me,so we alone alone tonight"i said as I hear Liam shouting

"DAD DONT DARE MAKE ME ANY MORE STUPID SIBLINGS LIKE THEM"ahh this kid how he can be so smart

"Baby Liam changed a lot"i said

"You better not hear what he said on the morning"she said and I kiss her while smiling

"Come I made you dinner"she said

"Oh mom made us dinner,COMING "I run as Luca laugh

"Bdyxsfdudb"he trying to say something again

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