chapter 6-dinner with friends

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Jennie POV
Me Lisa and all our friends have a dinner night,we eat dinner

This is Lisa's outfit

This is Lisa's outfit

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Jennie's outfit:

Rosie:let's order our dessert

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Rosie:let's order our dessert

Jennie:yes*i call the waiter*

Lisa:*they all order I was on bathroom then waiter come to me and said "what do you want ma'am"*oh hi can I have a cheese cake please

Waiter:yes cutie anything for you*smile and grab Lisa hand kiss it*


Waiter:anything else

Lisa:no thanks

Jennie:*i saw my friend looking at me and laughing I try to control my jealous, I hate then Lisa act like I'm not here*ughh*i fake caught and i grab her tiny waist*

Lisa:*i realized what I just did and scared*

Jennie*glare at her with dark eyes*

At home
Jennie POV
I lock the door Lisa was sit on bed in front of me I start walk slow through her

Jennie:*taking off my tie*so you still don't get your lesson uhu?

Lisa:*shaking*s-sorry I didn't me-

Jennie:*put my tie neck on her eyes, take off me pants and suit and Lisa's dress*

Lisa:baby w-what a-are y-you doing?

Jennie:*i pull her on my hug vein long dick she hate this position*ahh

Lisa:ah ahh ah*moan messy*

Lisa's pov(imagine its Jenlisa name writing):😫

Jennie:*bang her hard*are learning your lesson

Lisa:*cry, moaning, scream*a-a-ahhh y-y-yessssss ughhhhh fuckk*rolling my eyes up*

Jennie:*grab her head look at me*focus on me only*yell*

Lisa:s-s-sorryyy ah ahh ah ahh*jump on Jennie's dick*

Jennie:*mad because she hurt my buddy*DON'T FUCKING JUMP YOU HURT ME

Lisa:s-s-so-ughh s-sorry ah ahh u-ugh

Jennie:*i fuck her madly 4hours until I notice she pass out can't even talk I sleep with her*

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