Ch.8: Buckbeak, Nightmare Come True

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Hermione, Harry, Ron, and I were on our way to visit Hagrid. He had like back from the trial, and we wanted to hear the verdict. Delilah also tagged along since she didn't hear anything from her brother or father.

Hermione: "Beautiful day."

She said as she looked up to the sky with a smile on her face. I stared at her as I smiled from her joy.

(Y/n): "Gorgeous."

I said as I looked at her. Hermione then placed over to me and gave a soft smile. We had yet to announce to Ron and Harry our relationship that Hermione and I shared with Delilah. Delilah noticed the smile Hermione had given me and jumped into action.

Delilah: "Come on, love birds. Chop chop."

She said as she gently pushed past us. Delilah has been teasing Hermione and I about our three-way relationship. It's basically become her thing at this point. I honestly didn't mind it since I got to see Hermione's blush more often. Ron then jumped in as he spoke angerly.

Ron: "Yes, gorgeous. Unless you've been ripped to pieces?"

He said, acting very sarcastic with his tone. Hermione had just rolled her eyes. She knew what was coming. If I was being honest, I was getting tired of it myself. There was no evidence to even suggest that Scabbers was killed.

Harry: "Ripped to pieces? What are you talking about?"

I face palmed, as well as Delilah, as Harry asked his question.

(Y/n) & Delilah: "Please don't get them started."

Hermione let out an annoyed sigh.

Hermione: "Ronald has lost his rat."

Ron: "I haven't lost anything. Your cat killed him."

Hermione: "Rubbish."

Delilah and I both sighed as we heard them. Ron is angry, and Hermione is annoyed. I love Hermione, but her annoyed tone isn't my favorite.... Okay, I find it a little cute. Ron turned to Harry, trying to swead him to his side.

Ron: "Harry, you've seen the way that bloodthirsty beast of hers is always lurking about. And Scabbers is gone."

I could see Hermione was about to boil over a little.

Hermione: "Well, maybe you should learn to take better care of your pets."

She raised her voice. I had to admit, anger Hermione was both scary and attractive. Delilah could tell by the expression on my face of what I was thinking. She elbowed me on my side, causing me to look at her.

Delilah: "Mouth closed, love. I don't want to kiss you if you start catching flies in there. And you're making me a little jealous."

I shook my head a bit to reorientate myself.

(Y/n): "Sorry, Delilah. I promise that I will show you just as much attention."

She smiled and gave me a quick kiss on my cheek.

Delilah: "You better."

The both of us continued following the others as Hermione and Ron continued to argue that Crookshanks either did or didn't kill Scabbers. If I felt bad for anyone in this debate, it was Crookshanks. Poor thing didn't ask for any of this.

We made our way to the bank of the Black Lake. Where we heard a lot of splashing. As we had gotten closer, we could that Hagrid was skipping rocks across the lakes surface. We all sat at different parts of the shore as we watched Hagrid stand in the water in his very fuzzy looking suit. Hermione was the first to speak up.

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