4. Fresh breath

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I smiled awkwardly and put my hand down, feeling a bit humiliated. "And who are you?....Sir." I tilt my head and raise and eyebrow.

He in response raises one of his eyebrows as well, the small smirk still plastered on his face.

"Haa" he breathed in deeply and looked over at Kian.

Kian looked a bit puzzled but as his brother made eye-contact with him he smiled and looked at him.

"My older brother. Kellian." He answered for his brother.

I didn't like that. But his name is pretty i won't lie.

"Ah." I say "i see." I nod my head looking straight into his eyes, trying to give him some of his own medicine in return.

But instead his smirk grows wider.

"Do you want to drive with us?" Kian looks at his brother once more.

Kellian looks at the floor still smirking and shakes his head "I'm not going in today" his voice still low but a bit warmer than before, it seemed as if he was amused or something.

I don't remove my eyes from him, not even for a second.

I don't know why, but even though he is so attractive, i look him up and down his voice, his eyes, his body, his facial features... i don't like him for some reason.

I sigh and they look at me, i realise it was a bit too loud and i smile awkwardly as i look at Kian

"Shouldn't we get going.." i say slowly in a low voice

Kian nods in response "Then I'll see you later, let's do something fun once I'm back."

Kellian nodded and made space so his brother could walk out but as i started walking he came in front of me and AGAIN he looked down on me.

I really didn't like how tall he was. I felt as if he's really looking down on me just because he's tall.

I looked up, straight into his eyes. The small smirk he had removed, returned back to his face.

"If there's something you need to say, please do, if not, let me through, i don't want to be late." Even though i still feel a bit intimidated from him, i won't let him stomp on me.

He breathed in deeply as he looked away, the smirk turning into a grin now.

I stood there, silently looking at him.

As he looked back down at me he raised his eyebrows and moved away, gesturing me with his hand to go on like a gentleman.

I scoffed at his gesture but walked past fast, not giving him a chance to stop me again, that is if he tried to.


"What took you so long?" Said Kian who was already in his car downstairs.

"Wow" i said looking at the car, he smiled smugly and looked away "i know right" i could feel how proud he was of his daddy's money in his voice.

I didn't say anything and got in. On the way to the college i started feeling a bit more nervous. I could feel my heart quicken and i felt a bit nauseous.

But i had to stay strong, this is for my future, for a better one.

I open the car window and stuck my hand outside, it felt refreshing, feeling the soft wind brush against my skin, i started moving my fingers along to it, as if they were dancing.

Closing my eyes, I smiled, starting to feel more at peace. Nature brought me peace.

"We're here." I open my eyes, Kian's voice bringing me back to reality.

"Ah" i fix my posture and unbuckle the seatbelt.

"Don't worry" he put his hand on mine "I'll help you as much as i can."

We got out after he parked and starting walking to the entrance.

I let a shaky sigh out but i didn't let my nervousness take over, no, i wouldn't let it take over.

Kian spared me a glance before turning his gaze to the front again, we're not that close yet anyways so he won't be with me at all times, i need to make friends here as soon as possible.

"Alright" he stood with his hands in his jean pockets "this is the secretary's office you can get your class plan in there, I'll wait for you here." He leaned on the wall getting comfortable.

I nodded in response and knocked on the door, awhile after i come back with the piece of paper in my hands.

Kian was still leaning on the wall, his eyes closed.

I cleared my throat "The first class today is Maths.." i broke the silence in the hallway.

He opened his eyes and nodded reaching for the paper.
"Room 238" he looked at it then up at me "alright lets take you there." he started walking  and i followed him.


I know this one is shorter but the next one will be normal length again ;)

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