Chapter 22

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Daphne smiled as she sent the butler off with the invitation and walked in on her mother and Benedict as they bribed Colin into complying with their plan. Plate of blueberry biscuits nearly all devoured with a confused Colin nodding along with what their mother was planning.

"It is to push your brother gently into going ahead with courting Miss. Penelope." Her mother finished with a cheerful smile. Colin smiled back at her.

"As long as it is Anthony, that is to marry!" He chuckled as he grabbed another biscuit. Their mother sighed, exasperated with her sons. Daphne smiled as she knew her mother definitely had plans to get all her siblings married off within the next six years, even if it was the last thing she was to do.

"The invitation has been sent off, mother." She stated as she sat next to Colin and delicately stole the last biscuit. Colin whined as she took a bite at his loss. Their mother smiled at Daphne joyously.

"Wonderful, thank you for your work, darling."

The plan was set in motion. Now, they could work on finding a suitable match for Daphne herself. There were a few notable gentlemen, but none had caught her interest just yet.

Her dreams did hold a man who was suspiciously similar to... but she would rather leave that thought in the dust. He had stated that he was not interested in a wife after all, and Daphne was not desperate enough to fight him on it. No, she will find someone who is ready and invested in her.


Marina smiled at Penelope as she explained her different business ideas and products. She had been worried about what was to come, but Penelope was like the light casting away the shadows. At first, she had been a tad skeptical about it, but as she presented her ideas and showed her prototypes for different products she wished to start with, it seemed feasible. Revolutionary, in fact.

"If you wish to not marry Marina, I will find someone who listens to me well, and we can work on the first company together! I will make sure you get paid well, and perhaps we can purchase you a beautiful manor, or you can stay with me."  She whispered with a sweet smile that Marina knew she never showed anyone else. Her eyes held something that Marina had felt herself lacking lately, hope.

Marina felt her own head nod, and a big smile spread across her own lips. "I would appreciate that." Penelope gave her a hug, and it felt like the sun coming out away from the rain clouds.

Then there was a knock, and Penelope's maid came in with a letter. Penelope carefully opened the letter and moved to her desk.

"It looks like Mr. Benedict Bridgerton has asked his sister Miss. Daphne to send an invitation to see his artwork. Would you like to go with me, Marina? They are a very nice family! I have been long friends with Miss. Eloise Bridgerton." Her voice was gentle and sweet as she started working on her reply to the invitation.

Marina thought it over, Penelope seemed to like them and know them well enough to extend the invitation to her, then mayhap she should go. "Yes, I would like to accompany you."

Penelope threw her a happy smile over her shoulder before turning back to her letter.

"I am sure it will be fun."

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