Empires 2 x HC 9 Crossover- Ranchers Part 2

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Empires 2 x Hermitcraft 9 Crossover
-Ranchers (Jimmy x Tango)
-Part 2
-Please go read part 1 if you haven't! :)

Third Person POV
It had been a few days since the folks from Hermitcraft had came into the world of Empires. It was early in the morning in Tumble Town. Jimmy was laying in the soft bed that was in the ranch. Jimmy turned over but didn't see Tango. He quickly sat up and went to go look for him. Jimmy searched through the ranch, but couldn't find Tango. Once he stepped out into the warm atmosphere, he saw Tango and Scar talking by the train. He couldn't hear what they were saying but they both had a sad look on their faces. Jimmy didn't want to intervene so he just waited until they were done talking.

"Hey Jimmy," Tango said as he was walking back over to the ranch.

"Hi Tango," Jimmy said with a slight blush. Gosh anything this man did could make Jimmy blush.

"Um..Scar and I have something to tell you."

"Okay...what is it?"

"Well Jimmy...Tango and I and the rest of the Hermitcraft server...we have to go back. We have to go back home." Scar said. Jimmy frowned at this.

"What? No you...no you guys can't leave! Tango you can't leave me. I-I just got you back. A-and Scar...you've done so much for Tumble Town. You helped me finish the train track and you've built this amazing train a-and you've helped me with my villagers. What am I going to do without you guys." Jimmy said with his eyes watering.

"Jimmy you can always write to us and maybe we'll be able to visit from time to time. It's going to be okay." Tango said. He pulled the crying canary into a hug and told him that everything will be alright.

"No it's not going to be okay! You guys can't leave. Please Tango. Please don't leave me again." Jimmy said in desperation. When Tango looked into Jimmy's watery eyes he had considered just staying here with his rancher, but he couldn't. He had to get back home.

"I'm sorry. We head back home tomorrow and there's nothing i can do to change that." Tango said. Jimmy was frustrated. He didn't understand why his lover couldn't just stay here and call this his home. He flew off. He flew to Fwip's base. Maybe he could help keep Tango and Scar here in Empires.

"Fwip! I need your help!" Jimmy yelled throughout the cave that goblin Fwip lived in.

"Now why would the sheriff need my help?" Fwip asked as he flew over towards Jimmy.

"The hermits are leaving. Tango is leaving. Scar is leaving. Grian is leaving. T-they're all leaving." The sheriff said, tearing up again.

"No they can't leave! They just got here."

"I know. We need a plan to stop them. I need Tango to stay with me. H-he cant leave me again."

"Mhm...come with me and we can make blueprints for a plan." Fwip said. He led the canary into one of his many buildings. The room they had walked into had pens, pencils, and paper everywhere. Jimmy guessed that this was the room Fwip used to make up all of his plans and schemes.

"So from what I've heard, the hermits are going to use Grumbot to open up the rift again. If we can somehow find a way to destroy him, the hermits won't be going home anytime soon." Fwip said. The two both scribbled down notes and drawings on pieces of paper. After an hour, they put their ideas together to create the final product. They were going to create a TNT canon that fired at Grumbot. However, if they were going to do this right, they would need one more person to help with their plan.


"Pix! We need your help to keep the hermits from going back home." Jimmy said. Fwip and Jimmy showed Pix their ideas and drawings of a TNT canon. Pix was definitely on board to help them. The three boys decided to meet up at the rift at 3 pm to set up their canon. Jimmy flew back home in hopes that Tango was still there and not at someone else's empire. Luckily when he got back to the ranch, Tango was cuddled up with Norman on the couch.

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