Empires 2 x HC 9 Crossover- Ranchers Part 1

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I love the ranchers so much :')
There will probably be so much rancher content in this one shot book

Empires 2 x Hermitcraft 9 Crossover
-Ranchers (Jimmy x Tango)
-Part 1

Third Person POV
It was a hot day in Tumble Town. Jimmy was checking in on all his buildings and making sure Norman had enough to eat. He took off his hat to wipe off the sweat on his forehead. Why did he choose to live in the Mesa? It was so hot. Jimmy heard rustling coming from the bushes behind him. He quickly turned around to see a brunette man with a walking stick and a scar on his nose and near his eyes. Jimmy had recognized the man, but was confused as to why he was here.

"Scar?" Jimmy questioned. "Scar is that really you?"

"Yes it's really me! Jimmy where am I?" The man, Scar, asked.

"Y-you're in Tumble Town! How'd you get all the way here from Hermitcraft?"

"Well Grian was playing with portals and we some how ended up here with you guys from Empires!"

"We? What do you mean we?"

"We, as in me, Grian, Xisuma, Doc, Cub, Impulse, Bdubs, Cleo-" Scar ranted.

"Wait wait, so basically the whole Hermitcraft server is here...in Empires?" Jimmy cut him off.

"Yup!" Scar exclaimed.

"W-well...um let me show you around Tumble Town!" Jimmy said as he started his tour. Of course not long after, Joel and Fwip had came to tease Jimmy.

"Please I'm not a toy! I am the sheriff!" Jimmy exclaimed. However, Joel wouldn't give up. During their bickering, they heard a goat horn go off.

"Oh Grian is announcing his presence everybody! Bow down!" Scar said. Jimmy, Joel, and Fwip all looked up to see Grian standing on the train tracks blowing into the goat horn.

"No...please not him. Anybody but him." Jimmy pleaded.

"Hello Tim," Grian smiled menacingly. Jimmy groaned to himself. He got up and walked on over to the train tracks where Grian was standing.

"Let's just continue the tour," Jimmy said.

"Let's go to Andy's room!" Joel exclaimed.

"Yea let's see Andy's room!" Scar said.

"Please don't call it Andy's room, Scar." Jimmy asked. The group continued on through the train tunnel. Suddenly they all heard someone talking. It was someone they all knew, but Jimmy knew the best. The mystery man walked into the tunnel from the opposite end from the group.

"Oh my gosh...y-you're really here." Jimmy said, frozen in his spot.

"My rancher," Tango said, pulling Jimmy into a hug. "I've missed you Jimmy"

"I missed you too." Jimmy stated, not letting go of the man with blue hair. Everyone just stood and watched the two re-kindle.

"Well let's continue with this tour of yours." Tango said, grabbing Jimmy's hand. Jimmy led the way to the other half of Tumble Town. During the tour, the two never mentioned their past life where they were soulmates. They never mentioned the deep love that had never gone away when the game ended. Jimmy had assumed that Tango didn't love him anymore. That the connection between them had disappeared on his end. To Jimmy, the connection was still there. He still loved Tango very much. He had missed him all this time. He tried to get over the man with hair like fire, but he just couldn't. Tango had consumed all of his thoughts, but honestly Jimmy didn't really mind all that much.


In Tumble Town, Scar had stayed with Jimmy and helped the blond build a train for his train tracks. Jimmy was feeling a bit down since he hadn't seen Tango after the day he had given his tour. Since he was feeling down, he decided that he would build. Building always helped clear the mind. Jimmy had gathered all of his resources to build a new addition to Tumble Town. He found a perfect and empty spot right in the corner of his town. He started building. He was building from day and night, until he was finally finished. Three days later and Jimmy had finally finished his building. He climbed down and walked back a little to admire his work. Once he stepped back he noticed that it reminded him of something else. Then it clicked. It looked like the ranch. Jimmy had accidentally made the ranch because he was too busy thinking about Tango. Jimmy signed in defeat and sat down on the dirt. He pulled his knees up to his chest and stared at his build. He suddenly heard someone sitting down next to him.

"You miss him don't you?" Scar said.

"Yea I do. Maybe I was being silly, but I really thought that he would just stay here..in Tumble Town...with me." Jimmy said, sadly.

"It isn't silly. Maybe he thought that you wouldn't want him here."

"But how could I not? I love him. Maybe I love him a little too much. I don't think he loves me anymore Scar." Jimmy said with his eyes tearing up. Scar pulled Jimmy into a sideways hug and rubbed his back.

"It'll be okay. Just let it out." Scar said comforting the sheriff.


The next morning the sheriff woke up and decided that if Tango wasn't going to come here on his own, he would just call him over here. He took out his communicator and typed out his message, asking Tango if he's free.

<Solidartygaming: Tango are you free to come over to Tumble Town?>

<Tango: Yup! I'll be over in 5!>

Jimmy took in a deep breath and made sure that he looked good for his rancher. When Tango arrived, he greeted Jimmy.

"Hi Jimmy!"

"H-hi Tango" Jimmy said, suddenly feeling nervous. "I...I wanted to show you something."

"Okay lead the way." Tango said. Jimmy started walking along the train tracks to the other half of Tumble Town. He led Tango all the way to his new building. His building that he spent three days working on, just for Tango.

"If you can't tell...it's our ranch. I made it for you. I thought that maybe you could stay here and live with me in Tumble Town."

"Jimmy...I don't know what to say," Tango said, staring up at the ranch that brought back so many memories. "You know that I'm staying with Fwip right?" Hearing Tango say that made Jimmy frown a little.

"Y-yea i know, but maybe it could be your summer home o-or maybe when you need to get away from Fwip or...or...I don't know." Jimmy ranted. He felt embarrassed and tears started to well up in his eyes.

"Oh Jimmy what's wrong?" Tango asked when he realized that his former rancher was crying.

"You hate it don't you? I don't know why I thought that if I built this that you would come running back to me. I miss you Tango. I've missed you for so long now and now that I have you back, you want to live with someone else." Jimmy sobbed.

"Jimmy..I love it. I really do, and I've missed you too. I just thought that maybe you would want to be away from me. I would really like to live here with you, if you'll have me."

"Yes...yes please. Please stay here with me." The two hugged in front of the new ranch, Jimmy still crying a little into Tango's robe.

"You know...you'll always be my rancher." Tango said as he pulled back from their hug.

That's the end of part one :)
I hope you all liked it!

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