Best Friends- Desert Duo

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Sorry there's a lot of time skips in this one and it's probably not my best work :/

Double Life
-Desert Duo (Scar x Grian)

Third Person POV:
Scar and Grian were best friends. They were always together. Nobody could separate them. They tried hanging out with other people, but it never worked. They always ended back up with each other. It was almost like they were soulmates. But they couldn't be soulmates...because they were just friends. At least that's what both of them thought. All of their friends joked that they were secretly dating and at lunch they would just laugh it off, but at night the thought kept Scar up. He thought about him and Grian going on dates and cuddling together in his bed. These thoughts were driving him crazy. Maybe his friends were just getting to his head.

Scar's POV:
I had to get ready for school. Grian and I were going to walk to school together just like every other day, but today I was nervous. The thought that I might have feelings for my best friend scared me. I looked at time, realizing I only had five minutes to get ready. I quickly put on my uniform and headed downstairs. There was a knock on the door. I opened it up and there was Grian on my front porch wearing his signature red sweater. The golden sunrise reflected on his face and I couldn't help but admire him.

"Hey Scar! Are you ready?" He asked. I nodded and we started walking towards the school.

Third POV:
The two boys made it to school and they went to their lockers. Scar was at his locker and he was talking to Cleo and Bdubs.

" and Grian?" Bdubs asked.

"What about us?" Scar asked.

"You were staring at him like you were lovesick!"

"W-what!? No i wasn't!"

"Bdubs stop teasing him!" Cleo exclaimed.

"I'm not teasing him, I just want to know what's going on with him and Grain."

"Well nothings going on! We are just friends." Scar said as he started walking away.

Meanwhile at Grian's locker

Grian was at his locker with Joel and Jimmy. The three of them wore their matching bad boy leather jackets.

"So what's going on with you and Scar?" Joel asked.

"What do you mean?" Grian asked.

"When you guys walked in Scar was staring at you with hearts in his eyes." Jimmy stated.

"Guys stop with this! We aren't secretly dating, we're just friends!" Grian said as he started walking to his first class.

~ ~ ~

Grian's first class was science which he hated, and to make it worse, Scar wasn't in this class. So Grian was left being bored all class.

"Good morning students! Today we are going to be learning abo-" The teacher was cut off by a student walking in. He didn't look familiar to Grian. The teacher was quietly talking to the student. Then after a few minutes the student started walking towards Grian and sat next to him.

"Hi, I'm bigb but you can just call me b. I'm a new student here." The student said.

"Hey, I'm Grian." The two continued to talk quietly about themselves and what they liked and disliked. Suddenly the bell rang.

"Well it was nice meeting you Grian!"

"Wait can I see your schedule? I can see if we have other classes together." Bigb gave Grian the paper with his schedule on it.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 30 ⏰

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