Chapter 2 - '' Who? ''

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WARNINGS!! :: Swearing, Slight bullying, Negative words = Insults...


Hello! Im back again lol... Im feeling sick because I havent eaten the whole day yet, So this will probably just be a short lil' chapter because im feeling tired and lazy. (I got into the MOCK exam😢😢)

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After hearing the door open, You all saw Miss Bloomie with an angry expression... She then suddenly spoke with a loud voice. "Everyone, QUIET DOWN!!" No one spoke after she shouted, Because ofourse.. No one wants to end up beheaded or something...

Miss Bloomie then entered the classroom and went infront of the class desk, You stared at Engel worriedly hoping that nothing happens during the class hours you and your friend group is here.. Just as you were about to pass a note to Lana, One of the Little female dogs (insert the word bitch here) Snitched that you were passing notes.. But oh no, Miss Bloomie gave o fucks nor shits if you were doing that because you were her FAVORITE. So the snake had been told to sit down and shut the fuck up. (Miss Bloomie literally Ayesha Erotica)

Nobody really paid attention to the female dog (Implying the word Bitch..), But I think the dog is very offended as IT should. "Erm.. Miss Bloomie! [YOU] has been talking behind your back!" And then another snake came along to deepthroat the other tail of the snake, Lets be real here.. Human Centipede. And the snake named EMILY (Im targeting the tiktok Emily) made the face of a goddamn nerd: 🤓☝️..

(Istg i want to kiell my english, She keeps calling me out like how I call out my friend that her parents are seperated)

Emily, She sat away from your chair because of the randomized seating arrangement. So you are beside to male and You heard something about 'Game is Game'.. CUT YOUR DICK OFF AND KYS!! and Also whispered to his friend that '2v1' before looking at you. "Bedwars." Is what his friend said. Soonly Engel came back to the classroom and sat back at his seat while Abbie was bruised at the cheek. (Not that cheek, hoe.)

And a second later, this time, Edward is the one who threw the paper airplane to you instead of Zip. He pretty much just winked at you and hopped to woo you in any way, And what I mean by any way, is that he will woo you in bed— On all seriousness, He stood up from his seat and walked to the teacher and while midway walking he pretended to accidentally bump into you and whispered 'Open.' before leaving the classroom to go to the rest room... What the fuck.

You slowly and gently opened up the paper airplane and read what it said: 'Plz b may waif🙂🙂' (fanon Edward cannot spell. DONT ATTACK ME OR ELSE I ATTACK YOUR PARENTS MARRIAGE)

Class hours ended and everyone can go home now!! Yay!! It wasnt until you saw Claire running from the teachers and ran to a door that said 'EXIT' You saw her open the door and the door suddenly closed behind her, Curiously, You gently opened the door and peaked before Miss Thavel dragged you away from the door. You saw the three teachers and Miss Grace at the halls, They all seemed obsessed with you but you didnt care. All you needed to know was to where Claire is right now.

And then a few minutes later, She ran out of the room again with a girl with brown hair that has tentacles chasing Claire down. You started chasing after them but not too close by.. Some students started being alert of the scene and stayed away from it but you didnt. Claire stopped at the main school door and tried to open the door but It wouldnt budge at all and the Girl that chased after her towered her menacingly, You ran infront of Claire and intervened. "Wait— Wait!! Hold your horses woman!!" You shouted at her jokingly.. but not really jokingly. The girl stared at you before lowering down at the ground, She glared at Claire before backing away and spoke in a slight aggressive tone. "Alice." You slowly tilted your head and nodded afterwards, You turned to Claire and pulled her up. Everyone seemed shocked on what they just witnessed..

Engel came and pushed the teachers and Principal: Miss Grace away and sighed relieved. He had bruises and his eye all swollen after fighting off Miss Circle 14 minutes ago.. It wasnt the best feeling on seeing your dearest friends hurt especially After you just met them today. You wish and promised that you will never make the same mistakes on being ignorant and let everyday with them. Hours later, You were at the clinic helping Engel while Claire was beside me and still alive after almost being mauled by the teachers and Alice.. You had some sort of relief that they were safe n' all but some worry that they were hurt. "[YOU]? You alright?" Claire asked while she was cleaning up the used bandages and throwing them away, You slowly nodded and continued on with the day but you swore you saw her frown in the most creepy way.

School was dismissed early and Engel had to go home before school dismissal. You were casually walking down the halls until you felt someone Pull you into their arms, You slowly looked up and it was Oliver. It was surprising but You didnt like him because he tricked Claire to going to Alice's room. "Nerd! You follow me. Now!" And suddenly started dragging you when you didnt move for a second, You arrived back at the blue door and Oliver busted the door open and saw Alice standing there. "Who are you again." You started noticing midway through her sentence her voice became more soft and gentle, It was odd...

Oliver closed the door and pushed you to Alice and Alice basically Hugged you tightly. "Your skin is so soft.. I want a small taste.." She said with a small smirk and you could see that evil eyes on what she planned to do.. Oliver stepped in and said "Alice! Shes not food. FRIEND." Oliver sighed softly before hugging you two.. "I could plan on proposing to you two.." And you SWORE YOU HEARD THAT. He was whispering it to Alice! That devious smile. You should never trust it...


Oliver:: 56%

Alice:: ??

Engel:: ????

Claire:: 47%

Zip:: 46%

Edward:: 32%

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Hello! Im sorry I didnt post any a few days ago. I had an upcoming Mock test and I got sick for a few days but Im back again! I plan to remake it soonly after I finish this book so you all can read it anytime!

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