Chapter 3 - '' Home . ''

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HALLO!! Im cooked. I saw my grades in one of Agriculture class — EPP.. My final grade is 72😝😝 I think im getting summer class bcs I failed the subject bcs I HAD TO PAY ₱190 FOR PIECES OF WOOD FOR A PROJECT.. And. didnt😋 I lied I bought it and lost it..

Am I cooked?


WARNINGS:: Swearing, Stalking and —

After hours of being stuck with Alice in school, You got home at 7:00 already because she forced you to stay with her and watch her munch on a poor students corpse that suddenly entered the room when you two were cuddling with each other.. It was traumatizing because of what you saw and the FOUL smell.. It was disgusting but She told you you could go back home early since she plans for you to stay with her for the night.

And oh look! You arrived home! You knocked on the door and your big brother opened the door before going back upstairs to his room. "Rude much?" You muttered under your breath before stepping in and closing the door gently. You went to the kitchen and looked at the pot on the stove and started Heating the food, You usually cooked since you were better at cooking food than your older brother..
You finished heating it and started serving it to your plate (The food is Tinola, Its a Filipino Cuisine😋) You added rice to it and started eating. The usual eating of 21 minutes while your phone is on, And so when you finished, You noticed someone at the door knocking. You went to the door and opened it.. It was Engel and Claire! "[YOU]!! We missed youu!" Engel said happily while Claire laughed and hugged you aswell. "O— oh—.. I didnt expect you all to come here." You said before slowly pulling away from the hug that could literally sufocate you in 3 seconds.

Claire smirked and walked in the house and Engel went next. The two sat at the stool while they had a small talk, You didnt mind them since they were you friends and they have their privacy... Except Yours...
But for being the kind person you are and the most people pleaser of them all, You allowed them in. Even though you literally dont want them in the house.


You all went upstairs to your room, You stopped them first and rushed inside. You were tearing down posters of (Any posters from fandoms you like) down afraid to be judged like those wanna be Gen Z Judges.. They opened the door again to see the room all cleaned up expect under the bed. You stuffed all the posters there but didnt bring in the TBHK figurines and the Miku lightstick, It wasnt bad like them at all but you feel scared to be judged by them since your old friends judged you alot for your intrests while they were discord mods who have nothing to do but lay in their seats with fat rolls on their stomach and chips all over the chair and desk.

They stayed at your house till' 9:00.. It was tiring but so fun, Playing PJSK on the TV screen in your room, Doing dares and UNO. All in one Stay over.
You kinda dented the TV in your room after playing one of the songs in PJSK (A true event irl...)
You cleaned your room after the activities and said goodbye to each other and parted ways. After hours later, You were tired already and needed to take a shower to have a much more comfortable sleep.

You entered the bathroom and stripped your clothes and entered the shower, It took you 14 minutes in the bathroom and decided to do some SKINCARE because you dont wanna have acne nor pimples ever again and become papas pizza. It took you atleast 10 minutes to do your daily night skincare and decided to wear a/an (ANY COMFORTABLE CLOTHES) and went to bed and exactly was 12:00 But you felt like someone watched you but you just brushed it off and decided to sleep...

POV:: Miss Circle

I stared at them through their window of their bedroom holding a digital camera with a small grin and took another picture of them making a small shutter but not too loud since I was just outside their window 'God. I wish I can already take them with me.' I was lucky enough to leave before their suspicion rose to a higher level and might wake up. I went back home and went to my office and placing the pictures and pinning it to the board and grabbed a red pen and lining pictures all about their info's, Personal info's and home. I know everything and Im happy about it.


Small (CREATORS) note ::

' Miss Circle isnt like Romantically obssessed (if thats how you spell it..) but I WILL CHANGE SOMETHING about the characters relationships again because I made some small errors and Im to lazy to rewrite the last chapters again..



It was already dark outside and I woke up AGAIN AND AGAIN because if camera shutters, It was annoying so I decided to check on who the hell is stalking me. I stood up from my bed and Looked out my window but— No ones there! Surprise! (YOU THOUGHT SOMEONE WAS THERE—DELUSIONAL SHIT.) I tiredly went back to bed and decided to sleep off this nightmare-ish night.

TIMESKIP (count 2 in this chapter)

I woke up again and it was a beautiful day again!!!
It was school day so obviously I had to go again and suffer for the next 12 hours..

I was walking to school, Pretty long walk than before is what I felt. I finally arrived and I looked like my soul passed away while I was walking through the hallways.. I saw Engel with Claire, The two were acting all normal couple stuff like the usual..
And I continued your day.
While I walked to my class, I noticed Zip at the corner with Oliver talking while they held a bunch of cardboard boxes and a small box of crayons. I ignored them and went to my first class.. Oh god...
I looked down at my schedule and I noticed It was Miss Thavel's Class first, She scares me alot just by looking at me. I walked to my seat and watch the magic happen and see my Exam results. Miss Thavel entered the room and Was holding the test papers with a slight furrowed brow and glanced back at a student with a harsh glare before looking at me all happily.



Oliver:: 59%

Zip:: 50%

Engel:: ????

Claire:: 53%


Miss Thavel:: 35%

Miss Circle:: ???


Im going to skidaddle away now, I need rest and some time to also look at my report card and ready my ass when my parents see my low grades😞



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