Chapter 10 (Angel)

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The first thing I notice when I wake is the pain in my body. The second thing is that I am in a hospital bed. Oh, yeah. Memories of last night flood my mind. Everything from me calling Ronan for help to passing out after seeing Emily's face.

Emily. Had she come so late simply because I told her I was in the hospital? Why would she do that? I was nothing special.

Just then Emily enters my little area with a cup of coffee in her hand. She sighs with what sounded like relief when she saw my eyes open. "You're awake." She smiles.

"Sorta, yeah." My voice was hoarse from puking so much the night before. oh God. I had called her and she had heard me puking my guts out. I bet that was real attractive.

"The nurse already checked your vitals and everything while you were sleeping.  She went to get you some pain meds that won't make you barf hopefully then you can get out of here. How are you feeling?"

"Like I was beaten badly. Oh wait..." I was trying for humor but it mostly came out bitter.

"I'm so sorry this happened, Angel." Her eyes reflect only sadness.

"Don't apologize. It isn't your fault and it isn't Ronan's fault. You two have to quit blaming yourselves for crap you can't control."


"Has Ronan not come back?" I interrupted, changing the subject. I didn't want to argue or have this conversation right now. She sighs again.

"No. He was so broken down by this, Angel. He absolutely blames himself. He and Darcy went for a drive to cool him down. I'm surprised because according to Darcy, Ronan has been pretty guarded around her."

"He doesn't want to hurt or be hurt like Mom was when his dad supposedly died. Also after my dad it takes him awhile to trust people. He doesn't want just a one time fling."

"Which is another reason I'm surprised. Darcy is a one time fling kind of girl, yet she seems to want to keep Ronan around. That's a little out of character for her."

"People can surprise you at times, I guess."

"I guess."

"Where is Lena?"

"Ronan dropped her off at Henry's house. After you get out of here you are coming to my house till Ronan gets home. Those were his orders, which by the way made him seem a whole lot more military-ish." She grins and I have to smile.

"Scary isn't it?"

"Yeah." She laughs. The nurse chooses then to come in with the release forms.

"You are good to leave. Just be careful not to pull your stitches." The nurse says. I nod and Emily helps me out of the hospital.

   When we get to her house Sam greets us with a raised eyebrow.

"Well you look wonderful." He smirks. Emily glares at him.

"Oh, I figured I would change my look up a little. The old skin tone wasn't working so I thought I'd try black and blue." I throw back, which throws Sam off guard. He grins after he finds the humor and slaps me on my back. I hiss with the pain.

"Oh, sorry!" Sam says, a little horrified. Emily glares at us both then.

"Sam, please stop injuring my guest." She huffs and pushes him into the house.

We start up a movie shortly after we eat lunch. I wasn't really interested in it, but Sam was all excited for it. Some kind of comedy.

Emily had her feet curled up underneath her and her head rested gently on my good shoulder. I wrapped my arm around her gently and reveled in the feel of it. I liked this.

Sam was acting like he was watching the movie, but I could tell he was watching us from the corner of his eye.

I lean down to Emily's ear. "I need to talk to you, alone." I whisper. She looks up at me, narrowing her eyes.

"Why do I get the feeling I'm not going to like this?"

"You probably won't." I say back and she sighs. 

"Fine." I follow her out of the room into the quiet of the black and silver kitchen.

"I decided last night when I got out of here I was going over there, packing up my stuff, & leaving for good. I think I should do that."

"Not right now, you aren't." She snaps.

"Yes. This would be the best time to go. He should be passed out from the over consumption of alcohol."

"Angel, you are in no shaped to move things. Look at your hand. Look at all of you! Who knows what would happen if he got a hold of you again. I won't be responsible for that. I can't let that happen."

"Emily,  I have to do this. If I don't then I might be stuck under his thumb for the rest of my life." I plead and she sighs.

"Do you have to do this now?"


"Fine. I'm going with you though." She says final. I wouldn't say it, but I was grateful that she was coming too. I would need her strength with me.

We snuck in the back door and up the stairs quietly. Didn't want to take a chance on waking him up.

There wasn't much in my room so it was easy to pack up. I shoved my clothes into a duffel bag as Emily pulled a couple of old boxes from the top of my closet. "What are these?"

"Those were my mom's. I managed to hide them from him, but I never opened them." I say sadly.

"Maybe we can when we get out of here."

"Yeah, maybe."

We were quick to leave and when we got to Ronan's, Emily stopped to check and make sure I hadn't pulled any stitches.

As I watched her I felt something in my stomach swell up and I realized it. I love this girl. I found myself finding her lips with mine.

At first it was a gentle want that quickly grew into a desperate need. Her cool hands slid under my shirt to feel the muscles underneath. I cupped the back of her neck with one hand and pulled her closer with the other.

She jerked my shirt off and slid her hands into my butt pockets. I slid my hands up the back of her shirt. She broke the kiss long enough for me to pull her shirt off too. Then our lips met again. 

I pushed her back a little,  following,  not breaking the kiss. She trips on something and we tumble down to the floor. 

I lay on top of her as her hands slides under the band of my pants. I groan into her mouth and she gasps. She chooses then to push me away. 

"Angel, stop. I..we can't do this. Don't want Ronan or Darcy to catch us doing something we shouldn't be. Or something we might regret later." She laughs nervously. I push down the sinking feeling I got at those words.

"Sorry." I start to get up but freeze. A single photo lies on the ground beside the overturned box. It was a picture of my mom and Mr. Haynes. 

"Mr. Haynes?" Emily asks.

"Yeah. What does the writing at the bottom say?" I ask her.

"It says....'Daniel Grey taking me on our first date.' Grey? Isn't that..."

"Ronan's last name. Mr. Haynes is Ronan's dad." Part of me was mad by this discovery.  Another part was happy for Ronan, either way the man had major explaining to do.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 22, 2015 ⏰

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