More Research

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A few hours later, Julian was back at his desk, researching other options for a treatment. It wasn't until he looked at all the various causes of seizures that it tumbled onto him. Her electric system had a problem with one particular protein that the cells of that system couldn't absorb properly.

Now, how on earth could he fix it? That was the next puzzle. Julian read more about the treatments that had been used for people with allergies to dairy among others. The reintroduction of lactose and how those trials worked.

A couple of hours passed before Julian had a solid plan for treatment. All he was doing was reintroducing what was necessary for the protein to absorb properly. Now, it just needed to work. Once her body had the protein, she could be good for a while, depending on the success of it. Maybe, just maybe this could be a cure.

In another room, Samantha was resting peacefully listening to one of the epics of Cardassian literature in Cardassian. It was quite enjoyable. After all, the question always was, who is guilty of exactly what. She knew what Julian was working on in the other room, she too was hoping for a treatment. Somehow, she had this really good feeling about it.

Vedek Bareil entered her room with a peaceful expression on his face.

'Ensing Tracy, I've missed you in the temple.'

'Can't be helped. Don't tell me, you're missing me after I've only been here over a week? My presence must greatly enrich your life.'

'How many other engineers want to discuss complex religious philosophies with a Vedek?'

'Fair point, I'm not like other engineers.' Vedek sat down carefully by her side.

'What made you get into engineering?'

'I wanted to be able to fix things with my body in a way that I couldn't before. As much as I love the more cerebral things, sometimes its good to not have to take your work home with you. I can clock out at the end of the day and be properly tired. I spent so much time studying at the Academy that it consumed my life. I wanted something else for the rest of it.'

'Doctor Bashir seems to be quite fond of you.' Samantha blushed at his comment. She did enjoy spending time with him even though it wasn't the best of time. He was an excellent doctor with a heart of gold.

'Nonsense, he just cares for all of his patients in this way.'

'Oh really, I beg to differ, he had prayed no less than twice in the temple that he can find a cure for you or at least a treatment. It suggests otherwise.'

'Care to discuss another religious philosophy with me? I have several thoughts about the last one you gave me to read.' Bareil laughed but obliged. The two of them were clearly smitten with each other. He could see it in their caring for each other. The only question would be if it would last. That was in the Prophet's hands not his.

Garek found Bashir hard at work, running through simulations of his treatment plan so that he could prepare for any consequences better this time.

'Doctor, I don't think working yourself half to death with help the beautiful Samantha's treatment anymore.'

'I want this to work, Garek. It has to work. She can't keep having seizures without losing everything she had worked for. I won't be the cause of that.'

'Julian, how would you feel if I set up a date in a couple of weeks between you, Samantha, Ziyal and myself? It can be a friends get together to celebrate your success.'

'That's a little bit premature don't you think Garek? I haven't sure her yet.'

'Look at the screen, Doctor, and see your success.' Julian looked at the simulation. According to the simulation, the treatment would work, and she might be cured, only time would tell. If nothing else, it would stop her seizures for a good long while. Assuming the protein introduced would absorb properly. It was a chance if nothing else. Julian looked back at Garek with a hopeful look in his eyes.

'Garek, I may have done it. If this works and if Samantha agrees, we will have a friends get together in a couple of weeks to celebrate. Friends only, Garek.'

'Of course, Doctor, friends only.'

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