Court Marshal

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Julian waited his turn to be called before the committee if he was going to be called. Not many people would be called, only Kirk and Samantha would be called from the crew as they were the only ones who had received medical clearance to do so. Everyone else was still deeply involved in services relating to their mental health. Somehow, these two although they were the most injured, managed to be strong enough to testify.

'Captain Kirk, you may start when you're ready.'

'Members of the committee, it all started three months before we were found. Right when our ship went missing.

Everything was going well on the Bridge; Alpha shift was on at this point. There are a few things, I cannot explain, how we ended up on the planet. All I know is that one moment I was on my ship, peacefully going about my duties and the next minute, we were all in cells underground in the hands of an evil man who never told us his name.

He was a man who liked to see people in pain. Every day he picked one cell to be put through whatever torture he devised for that day. This went on like this for two months. During the beginning of the third month, Samantha and I found a weakness in the locking mechanisms of the cages. We escaped, trying to find a location that would be hard for them to find us. Once we made our way to the cave where we were found, the natural minerals in the rock prevented all scanning devices from detecting us. We knew it was perfect.

We returned to the cells, and no one was any wiser as we had done this during the night. The guards never paid much attention to the exact number of prisoners. The very next night, We broke out of the least injured to help set up base camp. They stayed while we went back. Every night for the next few weeks, we ferried a few people away each night. Not too many. The final night, over 700 people were freed. Some of the most injured had to be carried. We had just finished unlocking the last cage when he found us.

I speak for myself when I say that I didn't think that we were going to survive this experience. I had left orders for the crew to survive as long as they could, hoping that someone would find us.

Somehow, Samantha and I found the strength after our torture session was done to explode the castle with everyone inside of it. We laid a very long fuse and crept towards the caves. By the time, we got there, the explosion had happened which was good because we were on ours hands and elbows dragging ourselves along towards the cave.

We made it to the entrance and then I knew no more until I woke up in Sick Bay.'

The committee was taken back by his tale.

'Lieutenant Commander Tracy, do you have anything to add this account?'

'No, sirs. I do not.'

The court martial broke up for deliberations at that point. Samantha and Kirk walked together to a fountain nearby. Julian watched the two of them waiting for the verdicts, holding each other and hugging.

The court returned with a verdict that Kirk was not at fault which was excellent. His new ships also named USS Kirk-A, was going to be built during the next year. His crew would continue to receive treatment during that time.

Julian was walking back to the airlock to get onto the Defiant when a shout stopped him in his tracks.

'Julian, wait!' He turned to find Samantha with her suitcase running towards him.

'I've already spoken to Kirk about this. I'm not ready to have the responsibility of so many lives so soon. Not even in a year. I decided to transfer back to DS9 for the next several years. And Kirk wished me well. I think I need some time in a less stressful environment. Most importantly, I want to be by your side, now and forever.'

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