Where Do We Go Now?

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Julian and Samantha both knew their time was limited because of their roles in Starfleet. They however, mutually agreed without ever speaking about it to not discuss it. Instead they spent the next eight months going on dates whenever they both had time off. It wasn't always elaborate dates, some were but most were simple and lovely. They went to various performances that happened on the station. Most importantly, when it came time for diplomatic events, Julian attended because of his rank, and Samantha came as his plus one. She had a unique ability to dress perfectly for the occasion. Not over dressed but not under dressed as well. She frequently wore her dress uniform as she should. Sometimes if it was a reception that was fancy dress but not uniform, that is where she excelled.

People found her immensely interesting because of her accomplishments. Samantha always somehow magically turned the conversation away from her onto the people that she was talking to. Julian enjoyed talking to other medical professionals about his latest research. They did not hang off of each other but simply worked together in unison.

Captain Sisko knew there was a betting pool for what would happen when Samantha's one year tour of duty on DS9 was over. She would be assigned another post probably on a star ship and Julina would stay here. He knew however that if Samantha wanted to stay, Sisko had reason to allow her to stay. She just needed to ask, if she was going to ask. It was a choice for her to make. Sisko did wonder what she was going to do. Being on DS9 was not a prestigious role and it would do her no good if she wanted to captain a ship of her own at some point.

Dax would also look at the two of them and wonder. Julian would be heartbroken if she decided to break up with him before she left. Dax hoped that situation wouldn't happen. Julian deserved someone wonderful and Samantha was it.

As the two weeks until her tour was done approached, Julian arranged for her to visit his quarters so they could discuss it. That night, the tension in the room was crazy.

'Samantha, what are we going to do? Your tour is almost done. I'm desperately needed here and so I can't leave.'

'Julian, I don't know. I never intended for this to happen. I intended to make professional connections while I was here on the station so that leaving wouldn't be too hard. It happened, I developed feelings for you. Now I don't know what I want to do. I want to command my own star ship at some point. Staying here, makes it so much harder for me to achieve that dream. I can't stay, I have to leave. We can stay in contact as much as possible of course.'

'Samantha, I would never hold you back. I know you need to leave for your career and I would never stand in your way. There's a reason why they invented subspace. Do you know which ship you are going to be assigned to?'

'Yes, the galaxy sized ship named USS Kirk after Captain James T Kirk. I'm going to be promoted to Lieutenant Commander for my work here. Miles recommended me for promotion.'

'Wow, that's a level up from Ensign. I can see why you don't want to turn that down. Can we make the best of the next two weeks?'

'Of course, I had the time off. I put off too much shore leave so I get my last two weeks off before USS Kirk comes to pick me up. How about you?'

'I have the next two weeks off because Bajoran finally sent a couple of doctors to ease my burden.'

'Then we have the next two weeks to enjoy ourselves as much as possible before we say good bye.'

They were both true to their word. The next two weeks, they barely ever parted from each other except to sleep. Other than that, they spent all of their time in each other's company. It was borrowed time or it certainly felt like it.

On her final night on DS9, there was a get together of friends to send her off with style. It wasn't dress uniform thankfully, so Julian got to see the same outfit she wore their first date night. Everyone was busy talking, laughing, and celebrating her year on the station. Even Odo came to the party to send her off.

Julian was standing and chatting with Miles. He spied Samantha talking with her new Captain Leonard Kirk, who was James T Kirk's great grandson. He was a testament to the name. Coincidentally most of this crew was descendants of the original crew. Including Spock who was the grandson of Spock. He was young but brilliant. He was the fastest person to make science officer at the age of 22 in Starfleet history. Samantha had invited both crews so they could get to know one another to an extent. The new crew stayed only for the opening toasts before bidding goodbye and see you on the ship tomorrow morning.

Julian spent the evening near Samantha, but he didn't hover over her. It wasn't the time or the place for it.

When it hit midnight Samantha stepped onto the stage and addressed the crowd.

'Thank you to everyone who came here tonight. I have so many people to thank that have made my year here so memorable. Thank you to Chief O'Brien for listening to an ensign carefully and training me to the point where I will be promoted to lieutenant commander and be second when it comes to the engineering department.' One by one, she thanked everyone in the room, making everyone laugh as she joked with some of their contributions. Finally she turned her gaze to Julian.

'Thank you so much to Julian. Without him, I would not be standing in front of you now. He gave me my life back in a way that no one had been able to do before. Thank you, Julian.' She departed the stage to a round of applause. One by one, everyone took their leave of her. Until just Julian and Samantha were left in the room.

'Goodbye, Samantha, do keep in touch with me. I wouldn't want my girlfriend to forget about me.'

'Goodbye Julian, I'll send you a message on subspace soon. Goodbye, my love.'

They shared a gentle, tender kiss and Samantha left the room. Julian waited for several minutes, watching empty space outside in the windows before walking to his quarters.

The next morning, Samantha was walking to one of the airlocks to get on board. Leonard waited for her there. She could sense Julian was standing on the walkway in view of the airlock. She had said her goodbyes and she was an adult. Samantha straightened her shoulders and walked into the airlock.

Leonard led her onto the ship. Once they were aboard, he spoke.

'Welcome to the USS Kirk, Ensign Tracy. Tonight in Ten forward will be the promotion ceremony. Shall I show you to your quarters?'

'Yes, of course, Captain. I do need some time to unpack.'

'From there, I can tour you around the ship if you want.'

'Of course, Captain, I plan on asking you several tough questions about the ship just to vex you.' He laughed.

'Well, I look forward to it.'

Samantha in her room, watched as DS9 got smaller and smaller in the distance as they moved away. Finally they jumped into warp and she couldn't see it anymore. The door binged.

'Come in.' Dr. McCoy entered the room. He was also much like his ancestor except he was young and grumpy.

'I have your end of tour medical from Dr. Bashir. Is there anything I need to know about your medical needs on board?'

'No, Dr. Bashir cured me of my seizures. I was cleared for full duties.'

'Good, I'll be in Sick Bay if you need me.' McCoy left Samantha deliberately unpacking with a determined look in her eyes.

He shook his head. Young love.

That night, Samantha smiled as she was promoted. It was one of the fastest promotions in the history of Starfleet, currently one of the fastest in the fleet. Kirk clapped her on the back in congratulations.

'Welcome to my ship, are you ready to get to work tomorrow morning?'

'Ready as I'll ever be.'

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