Treatment 2

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Julian carefully explained to Samantha what he had discovered about her condition.

'Why on earth was that not discovered earlier? This lack of proper protein absorption.'

'Its possible that medical advances that have been made in the pass couple of years could have done the trick. That test in particular has gotten much more sensitive than before. Previous doctors had ruled out that possibility but when I decided to double check, it came up.'

'I'm ready when you, Dr. Bashir. I want to try this treatment, no matter what happens.' She looked at Julian with a steady gaze.

'Well, I'll hooked up the machine that will deliver the treatment.'

Once it was hooked up and working, Julian was staring at the screen that was monitoring electrical activity in her brain. It would alert him even quicker than watching her would.

Samantha took the time to look at Julian working. His careful stance, not too tense but not too loose. She waited for any signs of an impeding seizure wanting to alert Julian as soon as possible. Slowly but surely the meds were finished until the treatment was done and nothing happened. Or at least, nothing that she could feel. Once the machine beeped to say it was done, Julian turned around tears in his eyes. Tears of joy, of course. He wiped them away to look at Samantha, she too was crying, tears of hope. Julian walked closer until he was right by her side. She reached up and brushed a stray tear from his cheek.

'Well, Dr. Bashir, it may have worked. Is it time to celebrate yet?'

'In a couple of hours, I'll repeat the text that found the problem originally. Then we can celebrate. How do you feel about a friends gathering with Garek, Ziyal and me?'

'I would love it. We may really have something to celebrate after all.'

A couple of hours later, Julian and Samantha were both holding their breaths as the results from the test slowly came up on screen.

Once they did, Julian could not believe his eyes. She was cured! It had gone exactly like the last simulation, and she could live a normal life. He looked at her sitting in a bed. In the heat of the moment, he engulfed her in a huge hug. She was laughing but hugging back.

'Doctor Bashir, you did it! I'm cured!'

'Yes, I want to wait a month before clearing you completely for full duties with no restrictions. Then you can go and do anything that you want. Even away missions, which I think you will enjoy greatly.'

'Well, Doctor, it seems like our get together will happen after all. Congrats Doctor and Tracy, it looks like it was a success.'

Neither one of them questioned how Garek knew that the results had just come in. Some things were best left undiscovered.

'Yes, Garek, now where are you thinking for this get together? I was thinking at Quarks, he does have some interesting entertainment.'

'But of course, you'll want to meet Vic, he is quite entertaining for a lightbulb.'

Together they laughed, just living in the happy moment.

Later on, Miles visited Sick Bay. He had been so busy the past few days that he hadn't the chance. The first sight that greeted his eyes was Julian and Samantha reading out loud together from a huge book in another language. Miles guessed Latin. He had been to the academy but was on a different stream that people who learned such things. He was more of a work with his hands kind of personality. The two of them with their heads bent towards each other looked like a perfect picture. Miles could see in his minds eye the two of them reading a picture book to a young child. Although considering both their intellectual ability maybe the child would be reading along to this book too.

He backed up slightly out of the doorway and coughed. Then he entered the room again to find Julian standing while Samantha was reading.

'Tracy, I hear you're going to be back at work soon.'

'Yes, Chief, hopefully tomorrow. Dr. Bashir just needs to clear me and hopefully I will soon be able to with confidence do any engineering jobs that you want. Its possible that Julian cured me.' Samantha blushed at the slip.

'Well, thank goodness, I've been running around the station trying to do half of what you do in a day. Miles smiled with the comment letting everyone it was a joke.

The atmosphere of Sick Bay was so much lighter than when she first came to it. Julian also looked a great deal better. Still sleep deprived but hopeful. Tonight, he would catch up on his rest.

'Well, Chief, how many issues have you solved without me?'

'How about I tell you of the issues I haven't solved so together we can come up with a solution or a dozen?' Miles was one of the best engineers but sometimes Cardassian technology just stumped him. It didn't help that he did not speak the language.

'Sounds like a plan Chief. What was problem number 1?'

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