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Julian spent the next month on edge, waiting to see if his treatment of Samantha would turn out to be a cure or not. The first week was surely the worst. Samantha in her excitement to get back to engineering through herself back into work. Chief O'Brien took Samantha under his wing, the two of them working on the absolute toughest problems in the station. Miles had the engineering experience and Samantha had the command of Cardassian second to only Garek.

Julian spent the first week, mostly feeling lonely. He didn't realize how much he missed Samantha's company in Sick Bay. Instead of pining, which he really didn't want to do, Julian threw himself into a research project about different types of bone setters and the benefits of them. It was quite a targeted study, but Julian based on his years on DS9 and how many broken bones he had fixed over the years, was able to contribute greatly to the field. As well, a colleague of his from the Starfleet Medical contacted him about contributing to a book on Inter species sexual relationships that wanted to produce children. Julian and his experience with adapting Hiro so that Kira could carry him, and that pregnancy was going to be a small section of it. His contribution would be in other words about Bajoran and human compatibility.

The second week, he nearly had a heart attack when Samantha came in with a minor burn on her arm.

'Dr. Bashir, it appears I need a slight bit of attention. I burned my forearm while realigning a plasma conduit.'

'If you keep this up, you're going to become as injury prone as the Chief.'

'It's not the plan but if that's what it takes to get this station in perfect operating condition, then, I guess I will.'

Samantha left after the brief exchange, and Julian watched her go. He could see a new confidence in her steps, her certainty in fact that she would not seize anymore. Julian wished he had her confidence about his treatment.

His normal lunch time conversation with Garek was a necessary distraction. Even if Garek noticed the distraction.

'Doctor, it has been over a week, your cure worked. Celebrate in that. Now when would work the best for you and Tracy to join Ziyal and me on that double date?'

'How about the evening of the date that marks one month since the treatment. I should be able to declare her cured if her seizures stay away for a month. Ensign Tracy has already decided that she wants to do something on that evening anyway to celebrate the triumph.'

'Very well, Doctor. Do let Samantha know it's a date, otherwise she may be surprised with the setting.'

By week number three, Julian was still on edge, feeling inside that the shoe must drop at some point in the near future. Samantha had no such reservations, gladly starting to get into various sports that required a great deal of concentration. Julian loved watching her play against other people, watching the laughter in her eyes. For she was an excellent winner and a good loser. It was a sight to see, her laughing with her opponent while they played. Garek frequently came with him, commentating especially when she made a particularly tough save while playing. Julian knew he was teasing him because Julian refused to tell Samantha that it was a date, not a friendly get together.

Finally, as the fourth week drew to a close and his date with Samantha drew closer, Julian admitted to himself that she was cured and released her to full duties. Miles was immensely happy because now someone else could also do the most complicated fixes on the space station. Before not even his lieutenant commander who was also an excellent engineer could complete them. It was just too complicated and reliant upon so much knowledge. Samantha had that knowledge because she wanted to excel to a point beyond where most people wanted to.

Julian dressed carefully before his date. He wanted something not too formal and not too informal. Only internally would he call it a date, mostly because he wondered how Samantha fet about him after an entire month of barely seeing him.

The four of them met up at the entrance to Quarks. Garek and Ziyal were dressed in what was the latest in Cardassian fashions. Samantha was dressed in a nice pair of trousers with a nicely fitting sweater. She looked like one of Julian's professors of Latin, in dress but was much better looking than the professor had been.

Together they went into the hollosuite. A wonderful sight greeted their eyes. It was a park where it was nearly dark but not quite. Julian recognized the park from his time on Earth. It was Hyde Park in London where fireworks would go off at certain holidays like Frontier Day. It was an excellent choice for a date. A picnic supper awaited them on a blanket. Garek and Ziyal sat down first leaving room for Julian and Samantha to sit beside each other. Samantha sat down with one graceful motion. Julian nervously sat down.

'Well, Garek, you outdid yourself. It is the perfect setting for a group of friends to get together. I recognize the program. In about an hour into the program, fireworks will start appearing in a display.'

'Tracy, I'm glad you think so. Now Doctor, care to dish out the picnic?'

Together the four of them laughed, debated and cheered as the fireworks happened. Towards the end of the program, Garek and Ziyal were essentially cuddling at this point. Samantha had her back braced up against Julian. It felt like such a natural thing to do.

It wasn't until Julian felt the soft and slow breaths up against his neck, that he realized Samantha had fallen asleep while leaning up against him. He glanced down at her sleeping face. She looked so peaceful and beautiful, the moonlight highlighting her facial features. Garek glanced up at him and grinned. When it was almost time for them to leave, Julian picked up Samantha in his arms, and carried her out of the hollosuite. she woke up during the ride back into the bar.

'Sorry, Julian, I must have fallen asleep. The work in engineering has been quite tiring these past few weeks.'

'It's alright. I hope you enjoyed the program anyway.'

'I did, thank you for inviting me along.' Julian put her down at one of the tables in the bar. Garek and Ziyal kept walking away until they were out of sight.

'I guess we have been ditched and left to fend for ourselves.'

'Well, Julian, I don't call that a bad thing.' Julian could feel the thrill in his heart to hear her call him that.

'what could we do now?'

'I think we could do many things, why not continue our discussion on the merits of your latest research?'

'that would be amazing. I'll try not to get too wrapped up in the medical terms.'

'I've spent most of my life in a hospital. I understand most of them. Use them at you will.'

Together they spent more time talking about Julian's research until he felt so good about this. This was someone who could be amazing to be a apart of his life. Samantha was brilliant and clearly read very widely. It amazed Julian so much.

Samantha was also having an immense amount of fun. Predominantly because she could use every single bit of her knowledge on the subject. The only person who came close to that was Miles but that was on engineering. When it came to more academic subjects, it wasn't his strong suit. Samantha respected him a great deal, of course. Julian, though, with his genetically engineered intelligence, she found herself being challenged intellectually in a way that most people didn't It was a thrill. When the evening drew to a close, and Julian walked her to her quarters, she stopped at the doorway and spoke.

'Perhaps, we can do this again, without Garek and Ziyal. And let's call it a date. What do you think, Julian?'

I would love that very much, Samantha. I'll make sure to arrange another wonderful evening in a couple of weeks when we both are free.'

'Sounds good, see you later Julian.' Samantha pressed her lips to Julian's cheek quickly and then popped into her quarters. Julian found himself dumbstruck by the gesture. Once his brain caught up with what happened. He grinned like a small child being given chocolate. He was singing in his gentle tenor voice all the way to his quarters. Garek heard the gentle singing as it reverberated around the habitat ring and smiled, his plan had worked.

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