The Obstacle Course

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Princess Peach leads Mario and Y/n to the balcony where it floats over to a middle of a lake, where a giant ? block appears, and as it opens, the Training Course appears, filled with many replicas of items appearing in the game.

Peach: If you both can finish this, you're coming with me. Watch and learn. (goes through the Training Course, kicks a cardboard Bowser) Hi-yah! (Finishes the Training Course without any issue)

Mario: That was amazing. Wait... How-how am I supposed to do that?

Peach: With the power-ups. They give us special abilities.

Peach hits a ? Block twice with two Super Mushroom inside. It lands on Mario's hands.

Mario: Ugh! Really?

Y/n: Huh. Neat.

Peach: Go on. Eat it.

Mario: Ugh... (brings the mushroom up to his mouth trying to eat it.) Now this has to be a mushroom? 'Cause I just...hate mushrooms, and... (Peach glares at Mario.) Okay, okay. (determined grunt; Mario again brings the mushroom up to his mouth.) Are you sure there's not like a--

Peach: (grabs the Super Mushroom and force-feeds Mario) Down the hatch!

Mario: (huffs) Ow!

PEACH: Yup, there it is and all gone. (Looks at Y/n who still hasn't eaten the Super Mushroom) Do I need to do the same to you?

Y/n: Nope. (Throws the Super Mushroom into the air before catching it and eats it whole)

Peach: That's better.

Mario: (gags, huffs) Oh, not cool! Uh... (Mario's body begins to shimmer) Huh? (Mario's hand suddenly grows large and hits him in the nose) Oh! (Mario's feet grow as well) Whoa! (The rest of Mario's body grows, retaining his proportions but now standing as tall as Peach.)

Mario: Whoa! I'm tall.

Y/n grows to a larger stature and does a flip before landing next to Mario.

Peach: And strong. (Mario jumps and breaks a Brick Block) And you can jump.

Mario: (chuckles) Oh, I got this. No problem. (runs onto the Training Course and jumps) Woo-hoo! (Suddenly, he falls, crashing into multiple brick platforms and landing in the water. A Warp Pipe pulls him back to the platform.)

Peach: Oh, yeah... When you get hit, you...lose the power. (hits the ? Block again, producing another Super Mushroom)

Mario: Great. (With a sigh, Mario eats the Super Mushroom and becomes big again)

Peach: Come on. Try again.

Holding Out for a Hero" plays, Mario tries again but hits a block.

Peach and Y/n: (winces) Ooh...

Mario gets hit by a fake Fire Bar after attempting to dodge it, then misses a moving Lift, jumps and falls off the Lift, then gets past it the third time.

Mario: Yes! (stands on the Donut Block for too long and falls while screaming)

Peach: (groans while faceplanting on the platform railing)

Y/n was sleeping with his hat over his eyes.

Mario fails the Training Course repeatedly, regurgitating a Super Mushroom at one point. The scene cuts to morning and Mario almost finishes the Training Course, Peach wakes up and sees Mario jumping on several fake Bomber Bills to the Goal Pole, Peach watches in excitement, Mario poses and smiles at Peach, but gets chomped by a fake Piranha Plant before he can reach the Goal Pole.

Peach: Well... We have a long journey ahead of us, moustache.

Mario: But I didn't make it.

Peach: You almost did. No one gets it right away.

Mario: How many tries did it take you?

Peach: Oh! (chuckles) So many. I was not good at it. Worse than you. (grin)

Mario: (not buying it) You got it right away, didn't you?

Peach: I got it right away, but I grew up here.

Mario: Okay, now you're just trying to make me feel better.

Peach: No, No... Is it working?

Mario: A little bit, yeah.

Peach: Well, wake up Y/n so he can try at least.

Mario gets up and nudges Y/n waking him up.

Y/n: (groggily) What's up? Did you do it?

Mario: Not exactly. (Helps Y/n up) You try and do this. It's pretty difficult.

Y/n stretches a little and hypes himself up before running through the obstacle course, he slides under the fake Fire Bars and jumps on the fake Piranha Plants bounce off of them before rushing across the Donut Blocks and leaps onto the Lift platform before bouncing off of the fake Bullet Bills before doing several front flips and swinging around the Goal Pole and lands in front of Peach and Mario.

Y/n: (panting) How's that?

Mario: Are you kidding me?!

Peach: Amazing work, Y/n. Absolutely amazing. (Smiles sweetly) Hope you two are ready for the long journey ahead, boys.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 02 ⏰

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