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Lena knew she was dead.

Or she thought so, anyway.

When she had finally awoken from her slumber she was no longer trapped in the maze walls but in a small green tent with a working space with several medical tools and lanterns. The girl furrowed her eyebrows in confusion, how did she get here? Suddenly, the tent's flap rustled, revealing a middle-aged woman who wore a kind smile.

"You must be Lena," The woman said "My name is Marry and I work for the Right Arm"

Ausha desperately searched the cabinets for the blue vile she had found months ago. Opening and closing many she was met with anything but for what she was in a panic to find. George, a runner, had been hurt by something in the maze while running and the Gladers had come to the conclusion of trying the mysterious concoction Clint and her had found.

Her fingers grasped around a cylinder shape as she reached the last remaining shelf. Pulling it out she raced back to the open field where the Runner was twitching and mumbling incoherently to himself.

She handed the vile to Clint who wasted no time stabbing it into the boy, the liquid flowing through his system. Out of the corner, she noticed Wyck standing walking closer to see the view but Ausha put out an arm to stop him in case things went sideways. Which they did.

After a few moments of waiting to see what it would do, George suddenly sprang up pouncing on the nearest person to him, which was Reed, a fellow Medjack. In an instant everyone was sent into a frenzy, some boys trying to pry George off the boy while others just stared at the scene unfurled in front of them.

A battle cry was suddenly heard as Ausha turned her head to see Alby impale George in the throat with a spear. The girl's eyes widened in horror as the Runner began to choke on his blood while falling to the ground and going limp. She had tried to cover Wyck's eyes to hide the gruesome scene that lay in front of them but it had been too late, he had witnessed everything.

Ausha coaxed the younger boy away from the setting, leading him to a hammock instead. She stayed with him until the gentle breeze that caused his hammock to move, rocked him to sleep.

After a while she quietly left, trying not to disturb the boy. The girl was deep in thought, what had stung him? Why did the creators send it if it didn't help? If we didn't give him that serum would he still be alive? Sighing, Ausha decided to head back to her room in the homestead, food didn't seem that interesting currently. Her bed seemed to offer more comfort than usual, so with her head swirling with many questions, the girl fell asleep.

-𝑨𝒖𝒕𝒉𝒐𝒓 𝒘𝒖𝒛 𝒉𝒆𝒓𝒆 *𝑹𝒂𝑾𝒓*

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-𝑨𝒖𝒕𝒉𝒐𝒓 𝒘𝒖𝒛 𝒉𝒆𝒓𝒆 *𝑹𝒂𝑾𝒓*

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