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Lena's mouth was slightly ajar in shock, why wasn't she dead? Mary seemed to see the confusion in her eyes before calmly explaining her situation. The Right Arm was an army of people fighting against WICKED, the people who put them in the maze and rescued Lena themselves after they pulled her out of the maze for some odd reason Mary was still trying to figure out.

Lena couldn't fight the tears that spilled from her eyes the first night. She had scars to prove the fight the Griever had given her. She desperately missed Mae, the girl was like a little sister to her. Mary had offered her a position at the Right Arm which she immediately accepted, after all, she had nowhere to go, not after this.

Days had passed since Georges's death. The Glade was cheerful once again, yet, a thundercloud of sorrow seemed to follow each Glader around. George had been the first death and hopefully the last, but it was unlikely with a place like this.

They had given the conclusion that he had been stung by what they now called a Griever. At first, the rest of the Runners were wary of entering the maze once again but they knew it was at a good risk, so they continued their search for an exit.

It had been a month since Wyck had arrived meaning it was Greenie Day yet again. Ausha decided to go to the bonfire for the sake of the younger boy who would be new to this special occasion.

With a final sigh, she exited the Medhut for the night.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 14 ⏰

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