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Arm appeared on the scene, a sense of respect and admiration filled the air. With a nod of approval, Arm approached Bright and Force, his expression filled with pride.

Arm: Well done, Bright and Force. Your bravery and dedication have once again proven invaluable to our mission. You have both exceeded expectations and made us proud."

Bright and Force exchanged grateful glances, their expressions reflecting a sense of accomplishment and gratitude.

Bright and Force: "Thank you, P'Arm. We are honored to have served alongside our team and to have contributed to the success of the mission."

Tay, who appeared alongside Arm, a similar sense of admiration filled the air. With a smile of approval, Tay approached Win and Book, his eyes shining with pride.

Tay: "Excellent work, Win and Book. Your skills and determination have been instrumental in achieving our objectives. You have both demonstrated exceptional teamwork and dedication to our cause."

Win and Book exchanged proud smiles, their expressions reflecting a sense of satisfaction and accomplishment. "Win and Book: Thank you, P'Tay. We are grateful for the opportunity to serve alongside our team and to have contributed to the success of the mission."

As Arm and Tay exchanged nods, they both extended their hands, shaking firmly in mutual respect. Tay took a moment to express his gratitude for Arm's assistance in allowing Bright to join forces with Force for today's covert collaboration.

Tay: "Arm, I want to thank you for your assistance in allowing Bright to join forces with Force today. Your cooperation was instrumental in ensuring the success of our mission. And Force combat skills were exceptional. He played a crucial role in overcoming the obstacles we faced."

Arm: "It was my pleasure, Tay. Bright's skills were invaluable, and seeing the cooperation between our teams was truly inspiring. Book and Win's skills were remarkable too. Their teamwork was nothing short of impressive."

With gratitude expressed and camaraderie strengthened, both teams decided to celebrate their success with a party later in the evening at the local bar.

Tay: "How about we continue this celebration later tonight? Let's have a joint party at the bar to commemorate our victory."

Arm:" That sounds like a fantastic idea, Tay. Let's toast to our success and the bond forged between our teams."

With plans set, Tay and Arm departed, filled with a sense of accomplishment and anticipation for the festivities ahead.

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