Midnight at the Port (2)

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With his combat skills honed through rigorous training, Win effortlessly disarmed the criminal, swiftly kicking the gun from his hand before it could be used again.

The criminal, realizing his plan had been foiled, turned to run in another direction, but the swift arrival of Bright and Force blocked his escape route. They stood before him, a formidable barrier that left him nowhere to flee.

As the criminal saw Bright and Force blocking his escape route, a string of vulgar curses escaped his lips. He knew he was cornered, with no way out.

Bright wasted no time, launching into a series of swift and calculated combat movements. His strikes were precise and powerful, aiming to incapacitate the criminal and prevent any further attempts to flee.

Meanwhile, Force approached from the side, his movements fluid and controlled. With a well-timed strike, he managed to catch the criminal and render him immobile.

Together, Bright and Force worked in perfect synchrony, their combined efforts overwhelming the criminal once again. As Tay, Arm, and the rest of the teammates rushed in to secure the site, ensuring that the area was safe and the criminal was securely restrained.

Win, overcome with emotion, rushed to Book's side, his eyes brimming with tears as he pulled Book into a tight embrace.

"Bookie, are you okay? Why did you do that ?" Win choked out, his voice filled with concern and confusion.

Book, though in pain from his wound, offered Win a reassuring smile as he gently patted his friend's back. "It's okay, Win," he said softly. "It's just a flesh wound. I couldn't let anything happen to you."

Arm and Tay, along with Bright and Force, approached, their expressions filled with concern and worry. "Are you alright, Book?" Arm asked, his voice filled with genuine concern.

Book nodded his head in response, indicating that he was okay despite the pain.

With the situation under control, Arm and Tay wrapped everything up, commending the team for their bravery and quick thinking. "You all did an excellent job tonight," Arm praised, his voice filled with pride. "Thanks to your efforts, the criminal has been apprehended, and the mission was a success."

The teams worked together to bring the criminal into custody, the rest of the scene began to clear out slowly. Force held Book close as they made their way towards the waiting ambulance, his arm wrapped protectively around his lover's shoulder.

"Are you okay, Book?" Force asked, his voice laced with concern as he glanced down at his lover.

Book managed to muster a faint nod in response before his strength gave way, and he began to sway in Force's arms. With a gasp, he collapsed, unconscious, leaving Force to catch him before he hit the ground.

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