Sweater Weather

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(I recommend listening to Sweater Weather while reading this.)
I decided to add a mood board, I'm not good at making them and this is the first one I made.

)I decided to add a mood board, I'm not good at making them and this is the first one I made

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"Are you ready Innie?" Chan calls out. They were going on a date for Chan's birthday. They were a little upset after they found out it was going to rain that day. They didn't postpone it however because it was a special day and they hadn't gone on a date in a while.

"I'm ready." Jeongin said as he bounced down the stairs with a smile plastered on his face. Chan admired Jeongin's appearance and instantly beamed as he witnessed the boy coming down the stairs.

"You're so cute baby." Chan gently grabs the back of Jeongin's neck as he makes it down the stairs and gently kisses him on the lips. It's so soft and warm. They love it.

"No I'm not, you are though. You look so handsome birthday boy." Jeongin says as he caresses Chan's face with his right hand and tucks some of his hair behind his ear. Chan smiled at the sweet boy.

Chan took a few small steps over to the coat rack next to the door and grabbed a charcoal-colored umbrella sitting by it. "Let's go sweetheart," Chan says. They make it outside and Chan opens the umbrella and directs it above both of their heads as he grabs Jeongin's hand in his.

They take light steps over to the black small car parked in the driveway. Jeongin climbs into the passenger seat as Chan gets into the driver's side. Chan starts the engine and begins to back out of the driveway.

On the way there, whenever Chan gets the chance he plants his hand on Jeongin's thigh. Jeongin admires and adores anything Chan does, wether it be talking, driving, or simply sleeping, he adores it so much. He's so in love with Chan, and Chan is so in love with Jeongin.

They arrived at the restaurant and are directed by a hostess to their table. Jeongin and Chan both take a seat. Jeongin simply enough orders water as Chan orders red wine. "What are you gonna get baby?" Chan asks as he flips open up the menu, a variety of food options.

"I want gamjatang. God, I'm so fucking hungry." Jeongin whines dramatically.

Chan chuckles at Jeongin's silly antics.

"I kind of want jjajangmyeon. Yeah, I'm gonna order jjajangmyeon." Chan says as he closes the menu.

They converse with each other and admire one another with a loving gaze. Every now and then they share small kisses wether it be on the lips, forehead, or cheek, as they wait for the waiter to come back.

A girl with straight black hair holding a notepad comes up to them. "Do you guys have your orders yet?" She asks.

"Uh yeah. I'll have jjajangmyeon and he'll have gamjatang."

"Okay, great." The girl sighs and says, "is it okay if I have your number?" The question is directed at Chan.

"No thank you, I'm already taken. Sorry." Chan says as he gestures to Jeongin.

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