Late Night Phone Calls

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Jeongin was currently contemplating on whether he should call his best friend or not. He stared at the last messages they shared and clicked on his friend's contact name.

Jeongin and Chan are best friends, they've been friends for as long as they can remember. At birth they were practically bonded already. That being because their moms were best friends, all the way through high school and motherhood.

They grew up together, went to the same school, had the same group of friends, Chan would also tutor Jeongin whenever the younger would be stuck with something or needed any help. Chan also never hesitated to make sure Jeongin was happy and comfortable at all times.

Jeongin always appreciated his friend's love and affection, which is surprising speaking that Jeongin isn't exactly fond of physical touch. But he still let Chan be affectionate with him 'cause he knew the elder enjoyed it.

As they continued to grow up together, Jeongin made a mistake. That mistake being that he fell in love with his best friend. I mean- surely Chan only ever thought of him as a baby brother or just a best friend, so Jeongin never wanted to confess, afraid it would ruin their relationship when he got rejected.

The reason as to why Jeongin is still contemplating on whether he should call Chan or not is because Chan's parents are strict. Which means Chan is probably asleep right now because it's around 11 PM and Jeongin doesn't wanna disturb his sleep. But Jeongin also wants to hear Chan's voice so badly. He hasn't seen or messaged Chan in two days, which is too long in his perspective. Chan got grounded 'cause he didn't do his chores on Saturday because he was hanging out with Jeongin.

So his parents demanded that he didn't contact Jeongin while he was grounded. But I mean...rules are made to be broken, right?

Jeongin reminds himself that even though Chan's bed time is early, he can never fall asleep until around 1 AM. So Jeongin decides to finally call the older male.

Jeongin presses on the call button and patiently waits to see if Chan will pick up. His phone rings a few more times until it's answered. Jeongin actually decided to video call the curly-haired guy instead of simply calling. Because why not see his face and listen to his wonderful voice at the same time?

So that being said, the first thing Jeongin sees on Chan's camera is just a pitch black room, he can't even see Chan's face yet.

"Hi Channie Hyung." Jeongin whispered into the speaker of his phone, hoping to be quiet and discreet just in case Chan's parents wake up and walk into his room to find out that Chan is talking with Jeongin, who is someone he was specifically told not to talk to.

"Hey angel.." Chan said with a hoarse voice, he was probably tired, but he doesn't really have the option to sleep, which is kind of a shocker. You'd think his motivation to fall asleep at a healthy time is hallucinating clowns in tiny cars because of how much sleep deprivation he deals with. But no matter how tired Chan was each night he just wasn't capable of falling asleep properly.

Jeongin liked it when Chan called him 'angel' or 'his angel.' It was nice to have a pet name come from Chan himself instead of some acquaintance from school, some people walk up to him and call him 'baby.' Which is a bit strange but Jeongin can't do anything about it.

"I'm sorry I called so late...I miss you and wanted to hear your voice." Jeongin said without hesitation. They were able to talk like this with each other without any awkwardness because they were just so close. Sure Jeongin blushes a lot when he sees Chan but he's never afraid to tell Chan he misses him and his voice.

"It's okay angel...It's not like I'd be sleeping right now anyway." Chan chuckled lightly, careful not to be so loud since the walls in his house are thin and unfortunately his parents are light sleepers.

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