Daddy's Home

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"Channie I miss you," Jeongin whined, dropping honorifics because Chan allows him to from time to time.

Jeongin rolled around in their queen-sized bed, blankets twisting along with his body. He laid flat on his stomach with his forearms crossed beneath his chin. He ended up with his phone vertical and nicely rested against the polyester-textured bed frame. 

"I miss you too, baby," Chan said with those caramel doe-eyes big and wide, full of fondness and love. Almost like the face of a mother when their newborn baby comes out of the womb. "I promised that I'll be home tomorrow, yeah?"

About a month ago, Chan left South Korea to visit his family in Australia for the holidays. As much as he wanted Jeongin to tag along, Jeongin also had his own caring family and siblings to spend time with. He didn't want to take that time away.

"Yeah but...why can't tomorrow be today?" Jeongin jutted his bottom lip out as to pout.

Chan chuckled on the other side of the screen with a crooked grin plastered across his face, "I wish it could be so."

"It feels cold and lonely at night when you're not next to me," Jeongin admitted with a hushed tone.

"Aww," Chan cooed. "I can sing a lullaby for you."

"No that's okay, I need to sleep soon anyway. It's like-" Jeongin checks the time on his phone. "3 AM?!"

Jeongin whines, "I stayed up later than I should've." He rolls around in the bed and ends up on his back again with his head against the pillows.

Chan hums on the other side of the phone, "Mhm, goodnight then, baby. Sweet drea-"

Chan's voice is cut off by the sound of someone knocking on Jeongin's door.

Jeongin freezes.

He whips his head around to look at the front door. Who could be knocking on his door at 3-fucking-AM in the morning? Jeongin's heart rate speeds up out of nervousness and fear.

His breathing hitches and he stays frozen. "Chan, I'm scared..."

Chan can't contain his giggle on the other side of the phone. Jeongin must've misunderstood it for ridiculing.

"What's so funny?" Jeongin furrows his brows.

"Nothing baby..Just answer the door," Chan lets out another one of his squeaky laughs.

Jeongin grows suspicious and eyes the door curiously. Jeongin contemplates about it for a few seconds but his thoughts are cut off by a knocking on the door once again. It was louder than last time, probably waking up a few of his neighbors. Didn't this person know not to be so loud at night?

Jeongin flinches and somehow ended up rolling off the bed and thudding to the floor. Jeongin sits up and runs his hand through his messy hair.

He stands up on his legs and his knee pops really loudly.  "You okay, Innie?"

"Huh? Yeah I'm fine...I just fell off the bed."

Jeongin tosses his phone on the bed before trudging out of the room,  not forgetting to shut the door behind him. He makes his way to the kitchen area and rounds the corner of the marble island.

As soon as he confronts the front door, he places his slim and veiny hand on the door handle and twists it before cracking the door open slightly, just in case if the person who was knocking turned out to be a fucked up creep trying to kidnap him.

He peeks his head out the door and looks to the left side of the hallway before turning his head to the right.

Once Jeongin sees who's crazy enough to knock on his door at 3 AM, he yelps out of surprise and swings the door open wider before pouncing on the person to wrap them in a tight hug.

"Chan, you fucking idiot!" Jeongin breathes a sigh of relief. "You scared me....Why couldn't you have just told me you were coming home earlier?"

Chan grins and runs his right hand through his lover's hair. "Because then it wouldn't be a surprise," He chuckles lightly.      

"Whatever. I hate you now," Jeongin lets go of the warm embrace before walking further into their shared apartment and turning his back to Chan.

Chan juts out his bottom lip then smiles fondly at his boyfriend. He takes a few steps into the apartment and shuts the heavy door behind him. He slips off his shoes and wraps his arms around Jeongin's slim waist before resting his chin on Jeongin's shoulder.

"That's can I make it up to you, hm?" Chan whispers in Jeongin's ear.

"Cuddles," Jeongin responds simply before crossing his arms.

Chan releases Jeongin from his tight hugs and grips his shoulders before spinning him around so now they are facing each other.

He places his hands beneath Jeongin's thighs and lifts him up, Jeongin instinctively wrapped his legs around Chan's waist like a petzel as to not fall.

Jeongin wraps his arms around Chan's neck and buries his face into the crook of it.

He inhales Chan's natural fragrance deeply, this sweet aroma he hasn't sniffed for months. It's so good and it makes him slightly dizzy.

He missed his boyfriend so much, three months without him was straight up hell. But all is well now that Jeongin is in Chan's muscular arms.

Chan carries his legs to their shared bedroom and places Jeongin on the bed gently, the mattress sinking down due to the weight being placed on it.

Chan grabs the hem of his shirt and lifts it up above his head before discarding it somewhere in the room. He climbs into the bed behind the younger male and sooches closer so his chest is pressed up against Jeongin's back.

He drapes his left arm over Jeongin's waist and kisses the nape of his neck delicately.

"I missed you, baby," Chan murmurs against Jeongin's skin.

Jeongin hums in agreement as a response, he's too exhausted to sleep.

"I love you," Chan whispers before he sits up and switches the lamp off, pitch-black darkness taking over the room. Chan sinks back down beneath the covers and closes his eyes, a tiny sliver of hope in his head that he'll be able to sleep peacefully tonight with his perfect lover right beside him.

Also I would like to say I may not update this as much because I'm currently working on a full fanfic simultaneously. My writing style might change throughout these oneshots as time passes by too😭

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