Sex With You is Always Amazing

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Days like this are always the best. Days where their limbs are tangled together and they refuse to untangle.

Jeongin absolutely adores his husband. From the way his precious smile can light up his day and the way his dimples look so deep Jeongin would love to make a forever home in there.

Not to mention the fact that even though Chan is muscular and has a stern demeanor on the outside, but whenever they're like this; Chan is like putty in his hands.

Jeongin feels as if he touches Chan a bit too rough in the slightest way, he'd shatter into a million pieces like a porcelain doll.

Which is why Jeongin is being oh so gentle with his one and only lover at the moment. Caressing his soft and squishy cheeks and leaving light kisses on the nape of his neck.

Jeongin wants to stay like this forever, he doesn't wanna do anything else in his life besides love and appreciate Chan 25/8.

So he'll appreciate this as long as he can, the way that right now he's spooning Chan from behind and gently grinding up against Chan's ass.

Jeongin leans forward and leaves soft kisses on the back of Chan's neck, not forgetting to savor the delicious, salty taste of Chan's sweat.

It was a scorching hot day today so when the two males woke up, they were already drenched in sweat. Which is why they'll love each other with the fan on and blankets off!

Jeongin hooks his arm under Chan's armpit and wraps his arm the best he can around Chan's chest. Jeongin lovingly massages his husband's very attractive chest.

The curtains were open, so the bright rays of the sun cascaded down onto them and made Chan's bare sun-kissed skin look like sweet, dripping honey that Jeongin would love to slurp up.

Jeongin gently bites down on Chan's shoulder and sighs in contentment. "I love you..." Jeongin softly murmurs into Chan's ear.

The tips of Chan's ears turn red at those three words. Those words are a reminder of all they've been through together. No matter how much of a wreck Chan was in college, Jeongin stayed. They've been married for five years but Chan will always blush at any compliment or "I love you" that escaped out of his husband's mouth.

Chan turns around so now their bodies are facing each other. "I love you too.." Chan says in a hushed voice as he snuggles into Jeongin's chest.

They stay in a comfortable silence like this for a few minutes until Jeongin's siren-like voice speaks up.

"Look at me," Jeongin softly ordered.

Chan bends his neck backwards so he can look directly into Jeongin's eyes, in which Jeongin is staring back down at him.

Chan's eyes shimmer with the sunlight that compliments his milk chocolate eyes.

Jeongin gently cups the right side of Chan's face with his right hand and holds his chin in place with his free hand.

He slowly closes his eyes and leans in to kiss his husband on the lips. Jeongin never stops talking about how kissable his husband's lips are. Just how squishy and plump they are. He always claims that they feel like cushiony clouds.

Their lips meet under the gaze of the sun shining into the comfort of their bedroom. Jeongin takes the right hand cupping Chan's cheek and tangles it into Chan's beauitful, natural, brunette curly hair before deepening the kiss.

As they continue to kiss, Chan only now realizes how much he'd been touch starved. Chan's always at the studio working until late at night and when he comes home, his husband is already sleeping in their bed.

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