Chapter 15

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Tyler's POV

There was a large expanse of students interested in getting enrolled in our Lycan training school, despite the large sum of money required to get admitted.

My father couldn't believe his eyes when the report was submitted to his table. Different kinds of mythical beings were all signing up as soon as it was known that the school was free for everyone.

80 percent were female, and all were either from a very rich family or from the royal lineage.

This was a huge benefit for our kingdom as it would definitely increase our economy and popularity, which would become the foundation of the great relationship my father wished to build with foreigners so they would agree to assist us against the looming attack of the demons.

It was of no doubt that soon enough we would be under duress and constant attacks due to the sword we had in possession, and we were yet to know how the secret was leaked.

The demons would do everything possible to have it taken away from us, and that would definitely be the beginning of our downfall.

“Son, do you know the reason for this huge interest of all these people in our training school, not like we are among the top best schools in training?” My father asked as we both sat in his office.

“I can only guess one thing.” I shrugged. “It has spread like wildfire that I split with my mate, Nana. Many girls are desperate to take her place, and it could also be that more people have heard of the sword, so their sons and daughters are here to find any slight information. Just anything can be the reason, but I'm not sure of any.”

My father's brow arched as he rubbed his jaw thoughtfully, nodding his head.

“You are very right. These must be the reasons.” He exhaled deeply, leaning back on the headrest. “Do you think this sword is well protected in this kingdom, or should I take it out? Anyone who gets this will be the demon's favorite and gain dark magic to become supreme. We can't allow such evil intentions!”

“We are not taking it anywhere. Whoever would have that sword would first kill us all, which is impossible. We can't trust anyone else other than our family. Whoever you're taking it to can betray us for the power and magic the demons promise. We are keeping it under our watch.” I said firmly, and a huge smile spread across his face.

“Now this is my son speaking, the true heir to my throne.” He complimented, grinning in pride.

His fatherly smile was contagious, forcing me to smile back and take the handshake he had offered me. It felt good to see the pride and happiness in his eyes.

“I may not become the Lycan king, but I promise to protect this kingdom with my blood and sweat.”

“You will become the Lycan king, my son.” He affirmed, as if he had seen the future and knew Nana would accept me. I prayed and hoped she would, but deep in the tiny part of my heart, I was scared to death for another series of heartbreaks from her.

What if she still rejects me and doesn't want to have anything to do with me? What if I had to stay in class and burn in anger and jealousy watching her and her chosen mate? What if all my efforts to get her fail and I am left hurt by the same pain I felt on that day she rejected me.

“Dad, be honest with me.” I sighed. “Do you think there is a possibility of Nana accepting me back since I'm yet to accept her rejection. Will the fading bond still pull her heart back to me? Will my plea and promises to her change her heart?”

My voice was low, breaking in and out as I asked these questions I desperately needed an answer to before tomorrow. It was already night. In hours, I will meet her once again.

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