👸Chapter One - Dirty Princess👸

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The king, King Xadrien waited impatiently.

"Where the hell is she!?" He shouted angrily.

The room was silent. The only noise heard was the sound of fabric rustling while the queen, Asthema, rocked Sunny, the newborn, 10 month-year-old prince, in her arms.

Lori (pronounced Lore-ee), the castle's head maid, spoke. "She's probably outside. You know how she is, my king," she sighed as she continued to mop the floor.

A loud thumping noise was heard from the door. Lori put down her mop and rushed to the door while saying, "I'll get it!"

When she came back, there was an unhappy look on the king's face, and a disappointed look on the queen's face.

An overjoyed, muddy, 7-year-old princess was standing in front of the maid.

"Lily!" A very clean, 7-year-old princess shouted happily as she hugged her sister.

"Rose, back away. I don't want you getting your dress dirty with muck," The queen said sternly.

"Lily, what have I told you about running around outside?" The king asked with an angry tone.

"Not too. . ." The dirty girl looked down, ashamed.

"Naughty girl. Your dress is covered in soot and mud!" The queen sighed, disgusted.

"I'll get the bath ready, don't worry my queen," Lori says, already out on the throne room and to the hallway where Lily, Rose, and Sunny's rooms were.

"Oh, Lori," The queen thought, "you're too pure for this world. We need more people like you. Obedient and loyal."

Year after year, Lily would come home late, covered in muck and dirt, charcoal and soot, mud and horse manure.

But one day, at the age of 21, when she came home from running around Lumaria with the peasant children, caring for a bird with a broken wing, all muddy and dress soaked with water from the rain, her father told her something she could not believe.

"Me and your mother have made our decision. Rose will take the heir instead of you. We are announcing it to the kingdom this evening. You're too immature and u ladylike to be queen."

Her mother? No help at all. She said:

"Why can't you have been more like your sister? You have been setting a bad example for Sunny. He's fourteen, in his prime years to be taught to be well-mannered and a proper prince! And you're being so immature and acting ill to how a proper royal should be acting."

Lily was in shock and extreme anger when she heard the news. She confronted Rose about it, but all she said was:

"I really tried to convince them not to. I'm taking the throne in four years after I marry Naveen. I'm really, really sorry, Lily. I did everything I could to convince them not to. Even Sunny tried to convince them, and you know how much they do for him. But nothing worked. I'm so, so sorry."

It hurt Lily so mad to hear this news.


Pronunciation Help Section

Xadrien = Zan-jree-an

Asthema = Est-them-uh

Lori = Lore-ee

Lumaria = Loo-mair-ee-uh

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